Chapter 18

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~Peter's POV~

Keep going. Keep moving. Don't slow down.

Air swished around in my lungs and the familiar burning in my legs started to set in. The raspy moans grew louder behind me and I knew the end was near. 

I stumbled over a tree root and sprawled to the ground. My heart raced faster as I heard the sluggish footsteps of the things that would cause me death in only moments.

I knew better than to yell for help, chances were, the group was gone and it would only attract more attention. At the most, there was only a few walkers following me.

If I had a knife I could've fought back, but that was a luxury I wasn't fortunate enough to have. I pushed myself up from the ground and continued running in the opposite direction.

The groans of hunger echoed in my ear and the chance of my death increased.

I was dehydrated, starved and exhausted.

I would've gotten off the farm if I hadn't walked away from the campfire. It was all Rebel's fault. If she hadn't chosen Daryl then I might've had a fighting chance to live. But of course, the bad boy always won.

Mama had told me that in the end, the Good side will always win, and that's why I wasn't going to give up.

If I lived to see Rebel again, I would make it very clear how I felt about her. 

As for the Redneck, he wouldn't get off so easy. 

That damned hilbilly stole the one thing I liked in this filthy world. I couldn't see why Rebel liked him. He was sleazy and had major anger issues. I knew he hadn't hit Rebel yet, but that didn't mean he wasn't capable of it.

I enclosed myself in the branches of a pine tree and the stick was firmly grasped in my hand. The first moans of the walker passed me and I heard it's sniffing. 

I watched as it passed by the tree several times before moving on. The same thing happened with the second and third walker, the trusty pine tree concealing my scent.

The fourth, however, was different.

It must've had a better sense of smell, because it took notice of my figure standing between the branches immediatley.

It let out a loud whine, attracting the other things attention. The fourth walker tried to push it's way through the branches, but I stabbed it swiftly in the eye.

The third walker was next to attack. It tried to take a different route, coming in from the left.  The left was where all the pointed branches were and I knew immediately that this one would take care of itself.

It stuck it's arms out, reaching for my blocked body. It threw itself at me and the thing's body impaled itself on several branches.

The walker felt no pain and it continued to try and reach me from it's position. I removed the stick from the fourth walker's eyes and skewered it's forehead.

I sighed in relief as the danger of the cannibals fell away. I brushed the dark hair out of my eyes and blew out a long breath, ruffling the pine needles that were hanging off the branches, making several of them drift to the ground.

 I stepped out of the encasement of branches and let out a deep breath. The breeze picked up and that is when the smell hit.

The smell of rotting flesh and dried blood.

An icy hand latched onto my shoulder and I spun around. I stifled a scream as I backed away. I didn't get far as my back hit a thick, solid oak.

The walker advanced on me and what last faith I had was lost. 

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