Chapter 19

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  • Dedicated to Taylor and Kyle

~Peter's POV~


It was Rebel who had recognized me first. Just looking at her, you could see the regret that was burrowing in her eyes. I showed her no pity. She was the reason I was almost killed. 

She was also the reason I met Clyde and Frankie. So at least she hadn't screwed everything over. For all I cared, that Redneck could go and get bit. Wouldn't matter in the slightest to me.

Rebel would eventually fall for me and all would work out. 

Thinking about my future with Rebel made my thoughts round back to Clyde. She was certainly beautiful and she would have no trouble pairing off with someone from the group, but if all else failed, it would probably that kid's fault.

"What?" I snapped at her.

"Don't ye' talk to her like that!" The Redneck yelled at me angrily, his face tinging red.

"What are you going to do about it?" I asked intimidatingly, stepping through the doorway.

He raised his crossbow at me, moving his finger to hover over the trigger. Swiftly, he released the arrow and it soared through the air.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as the arrow hurtled toward me. I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain to hit.

~Rebel's POV~

"Peter! Oh my god!" It was Clyde.

Her annoyingly Australian voice got to me right away. Australian and the English rarely mixed. We got on their nerves and they got on our nerves. I could tell already she was going to be a bitch.

"What the hell?" She screamed at Daryl, her face becoming flustered. 

I was confused as to why she was freaking out. Peter was fine. Daryl had purposely misfired and the arrow hit the door frame. Peter was in shock, but he wasn't hurt.

"Peter! Peter! Peter, are you okay?" Clyde kept asking him. 

Peter didn't respond to her, he was obviously surprised that he wasn't dead. His eyes were wide and he had his jaw hanging down several inches. 

Peter's hand fluttered to his heart and you could hear him breathing deeply. Clyde was still freaking out and I almost started laughing. You could see Daryl trying to suppress a smile and even Rick was snickering.

"You wankers!" Clyde yelled at us. 

She pulled the arrow out of the door frame and snapped it in half, throwing it at a now guffawing Daryl. I gave in and started laughing, getting to the point of clutching my stomach in pain.

"That filthy piece of rubbish almost killed a man and you lot are laughing at Peter?" Clyde asked furiously. 

Through the laughter we managed to nod our heads and shake even harder when she put her hands on Peter's shoulders and started to shake him violently.

"What's going on?" A small voice asked. 

The voice made me freeze. This was no unfamiliar voice. This voice belonged to the person that had ruined sleepovers and secret sharing time. It had bothered us to the point of yelling and throwing pillows at it.

This was the voice of Yasmine's younger brother, Frankie. 

I turned back towards the door and watched Frankie's eyes widen in recognition. You could see the glassy look coating his eyes and he stepped across the threshold, stepping closer to me and the group.

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