up the creek

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Chris: bass, gophers today's challenge is a true summer camp experience a canoe trip you'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to boney island, when you get there you must port haj your canoes to the other side of the island which is about a two hour hike through treacherous dense jungle

Geoff: We've gotta pour what?

Chris: "Portage."

Geoff: ...

Dude, walk with your canoe.

Geoff: Oh.

Chris: When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move!

all of the campers rushed to get a canoe 

Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, *spooky voice* you'll be cursed forever!

then there was some lightning sound

Owen: Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!

everyone just looked at him

Chris: Now, get in your canoes and let's have some fun!

Owen: Yes!

They then walked to get into canoes. Beth then comes out of the bathrooms.

Beth: What'd I miss?

Chris: Canoes.

Cody confessional: Chris told us to pick a paddling partner. It was time for me to make my move. If I could just get Gwen alone for five minutes, I knew I could woo her with my manly charms.

Gwen and Trent looks at each other but Cody interrupts them

Cody: Come on, Gwen! You and me, open water! What do you say?

Gwen pulls his hand behind his back

Lindsay: Trent! You have to come with us!

Lindsay and Beth drag Trent away.

Cody: *grunting*

Gwen: *sighs* Fine. But I'm in charge.

Cody: That's the way I like it.

Cody confessional: Yes! Yes! Yes! It is so on! *plays air guitar*.

Gwen confessional: Cody? He's like an annoying brother. A really annoying little brother.

Cody confessional: *playing air guitar*.

Gwen confessional: So much for hooking up with Trent.

Izzy tries to move a canoe but it didn't move.

Izzy: *grunting* Just follow my technique. I'm one-eighty-seventh Cherokee, you know? Which means, like, the tribe could totally, like, claim me at any time.

Leshawna then picks up the canoe and puts it in the water.

Leshawna: Let's hope it's today.

Bridget started to wave and Geoff was waving back but she was waving at Courtney

Bridget: Courtney be my partner

Geoff confessional: man I thought Bridge and I were tight but suddenly I don't know it's like she's fading on me, nah it's all good

DJ: hey Geoff need a partner 

Geoff: excellent 

DJ and Geoff walk up to a canoe and DJ starts to tap it.

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