Camp castaways

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it was currently raining and Chris was at the docks

Chris: welcome back to total drama island this week we prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises for instance take this weather rain is not an easy thing to control let me tell ya but we figured the five remaining campers were getting off way to easy so we pulled some strings 

but then lightning striked near him scaring meanwhile with the campers Duncan, (y/n), Gwen and Heather were sitting outside there cabins 

Chris loudspeaker: listen up campers one of the most grueling challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rain day where all activities with even the most possibility of fun are cancelled in favor of the craft tent the forecast for tomorrow rain, rain and more rain followed by rain see you all in the craft tent tomorrow at 0700 hours

Heather: frowning like a big baby won't bring Leshawna back you know it'll just give you premature wrinkles oops to late

Gwen then kicks the step making Heather spill her nail polish

Gwen: why don't you just put us out of our misery and vote yourself off

Duncan: so nice to see you getting along it gives me the warm fuzzies

Heather: in your dreams nerd

Duncan: man this stinks not even Owen could put a shiny happy on this weather speaking of which where is Owen

(y/n): I think he went to the confessional

Owen confessional: woohoo final five baby yeah you know I really like the other four there solid competitors we all have a real trust thing going which is why it's a good thing no one knows about the junk food i'm stashing, okay they'll probably be mad but not as steamed as chef when he finds out I was raiding his pantry, oh darn it there's something about this confessional that just makes me want to confess stuff

then every they went inside there cabins to go to sleep


it was currently morning and chef was ringing a bell

Chris: hey chef you seen the campers

chef: no and I peeled a whole bag of rotten spuds

Chris: hm I can't find them either come come to think of it I can't even find there cabins

it turns out the cabins are drifting in the sea and when Duncan and (y/n) tried to leave the cabin but fell in the water then Gwen and Heather

Gwen: where did all this water come from

Heather: how should why don't you ask the leeches

she raises her hand and it was covered by leeches that she shook off

Duncan: you know it's so ridiculous it's almost funny 

then a shark fin pops up

(y/n): is the shark funny 

 this scares them so much they ran to the cabin

Gwen: quick we need something big and chewy to shove in it's mouth

Heather: Owen!!

Owen confessional: so I snuck in and ate the entire soccer team's bake sale I mean the whole sale but I got caught on account of the icing in my hair my mom made me pay for it out of my allowance but mmm those soccer moms make a mean brownie i'm hungry

he opens the door and he reallises he's at sea and closes the door

Owen: AAAHH! i'm all alone adrift at sea AAAHH!! without breakfast

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