Are we there yeti

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the campers where all sleeping but not in there campers

Heather: huh who's that, where are we

Duncan: how did we get here 

Gwen: Chris

Owen: mommy

chef everybody just zip it

chef arrives on a helicopter

chef: how you got here is not your concern

he then gave the helicopter a thumbs up and it left

Gwen: what happened to Chris

chef: none of your gosh darn business what happened to Chris i'm in charge now and i'm gonna make you wish you where never born, your mission is to find your way out of the forest or die trying

Heather: you can't be serious we will die

Gwen confessional: they left us in the woods alone again with Heather i'd rather go swimming in shark infested water

chef: here's how it works team 1 Owen, (y/n) and Duncan team 2 Gwen and Heather everything you need is in these bags you'll navigate your way north to base camp the first team to tag the camp totem pole win and here's a tip better set up camp before sundown because once night fall hits you won't even see your trembling hand in front  of your terrified face unless you got night vision goggles but you don't 

Duncan then runs up to chef

Duncan: oh please, please don't leave us here i'm begging you we won't survive

chef: grab a hold of yourself soldier 

Heather confessional: Duncan's a lot of things but he's definitely not a chicken he's up to something I can tell and I am going to find out what it is

Owen: this is totally bonkers we'll be scarfed by a grizzly 

chef: oh I wouldn't worry about that, you'll wish you saw a grizzly once you meet up with old sasquatchanaqua he's one mean mama jama good luck troops

the helicopter came and picked up chef and left then three claws picked up the beds

Heather: this isn't legal you can't do this

Duncan: hey peaches file it with the network lawyers 

he then grabbed Owen and (y/n) and ran off

Heather: where do they think they're going they can't survive out there it's suicide it's-

Gwen: hey I got an idea let's see what happens if you close it already

Heather confessional: okay nothing would give me greater pleasure than ditching her grim little butt in the middle of nowhere but this is the wild I needed someone to shove in front of me if a bear comes bye


meanwhile with the boys

Owen: where are we going

Duncan: I just wanted to get away from the girls sike them out a bit you know okay let's see what we got

he dumped everything on the ground and we got a map, sleeping bag, bug spray and binoculars 

Owen: yep, yep it's all good except one thing's missing 

(y/n): and that is

Owen: FOOD!!

but then they here'd a loud growl

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