I triple dog dare you

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Chris loudspeaker: campers welcome to the semi finals today we reward our challengers with all you can eat pancake breakfast that's right genuine food by products served with fresh ingredients relatively close to their expiration dates

Gwen confessional: so I actually made it to the final 4 just goes to show how far a bad attitude can get you

Heather confessional: whatever I knew i'd make it to the end big shocker I just can't believe weird goth girl made it

(y/n) confessional: the final four this is amazing i'm lucky enough to get a second chance

Owen confessional: I wanted to believe it I dreamed it could be true and now the day is finally here all you can eat pancakes yes

at the cafeteria

Owen: we're getting pancakes, we're getting pancakes, don't be shy dude all you can eat, you got the pancakes I got the stomach

he puts a bunch of pancakes on his plat

Owen: tea em up 

he then covers him with pancakes

Owen: oh yeah now you're talking baby

Gwen confessional: yeah the money would be awesome but you know what would be sweeter making sure Heather loses

Heather confessional: luckily i'm up against freakshow, fatty ginormous and (y/n) so they may as just give me the check I mean come on I think we all know who's going to win 

Owen confessional: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

Gwen confessional: if I win i'm gonna buy cam Wawanakwa so I can burn it to down and turn it into a graveyard

Owen confessional: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes

Heather confessional: when I win i'm thinking of my own spin off series the world according to Heather 

(y/n) confessional: if I win first I am going to celebrate by taking the friends I made on the T.V show on a vacation

Owen confessional: I never win but if I did i'd start everyday with pancakes cuz they're like little mini sunshine's filled with yummy fun 

Gwen confessional: personally iv had enough drama here to last a lifetime I mean Owen and (y/n) are okay but eight weeks with Heather was about as much fun as a mouth full of impacted molars 

Heather confessional: sure eight weeks with these losers is cause for insanity but at least the mother ship knows where Gwen is now so they can retrieve her and green piece can bag and tag Owen as the hazardous waste that he is 

Owen confessional: but all the all you can eat pancakes in the world wouldn't be special without friends to share them 

Heather confessional: sure Owen's dumb luck has won him a few challenges but it's his ability not to be disgusted by anything edible that worry's me

Owen confessional: you ever notice how much a toilet seat looks like a pancake

he then licks it

Heather confessional: and lazy, sloths could take a cue from slowin

Owen confessional: I should probably spit this out

he says as he took a bite out of it

Heather confessional: thankfully Gwen has no strength she's just a low rent gutter punk with dragon breathe and ugly hair 

Gwen confessional: Heather's strength is obviously her bottomless pit of mean i'm banking on her massive ego to her her downfall 


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