Hook, line and screamer

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the campers where currently watching a horror movie about a guy with a chainsaw and a hook

Izzy: he's coming out of the woods with a big hacky chainsaw, that's so cool

Owen: oh no psycho killer man is going for the car 

Leshawna: yo fool couple stop making out and start the car

Izzy: there gonna be chainsaw sushi hahaha

Owen: great Canadian cheese now the car won't start

DJ: oh man I hate scary movies

Izzy: run the psycho's gonna get you

Gwen: here comes the blood bath 

Izzy: aw gross the the chainsaw psycho's going back to the woods he's getting away yeah good ending Izzy loves scary movies

she then jumps into Owen's arms

Owen: so does Owen

Duncan,DJ and (y/n) give him a thumbs up

DJ: oh am I ever glad that's over I really hate scary movies

Duncan: oh yeah what scares you most the part where everyone meets a grizzly death or the psycho killer with a hook 


he then hides behind (y/n) making everyone laugh

Gwen: oh come on Deej for a slasher film it was pretty tame

Duncan: yeah there was hardly any hacking not like blood bath two summer camp reign of terror 

Gwen: no way that's my favorite movie I love when the killer jams that guy's hand into the lawnmower or when he pushes chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half

Duncan & Gwen: or when he shoves that big dudes head in a wood chipper

he then jumps on (y/n) lap

(y/n): dude get off

Heather: aw looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense it's just mindless guts and gore

Gwen: Horror movies aren't mindless

Duncan: yeah there loaded with psychological trauma look at DJ

(y/n) then pushes DJ off

Heather: whatever does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week

Geoff: yeah where's the Chris Meister

they heard the sound of a boat they came to the dock and saw chef packing bags on the boat

Duncan: hey yo chef where's the fire 

chef then gets on the boat with Chris and they left

Owen: dude you forgot this

he picked up a bag and a paper fell out

Owen: huh escaped psycho killer on the loose be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask with a hooked hand and carrying a chainsaw

Izzy: ha he's on the loose 

Heather: oh com on they don't expect us to fall for this scary movie followed by hasty exit followed by strategically placed lame prop

DJ: I don't know he looked pretty spooked

Heather: oh please it's all part of their stunt to freak us out if this was a stunt would Chris leave behind his hair jell

this made everyone gasp

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