total drama drama drama drama island

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everyone was at case de loser partying

Owen: woo hoo awesome party dude!

Tyler then throws a frisbee to Cody

Cody: alright no more challenges or alliances we can finally just hang 

he then throws it back but then he falls into the pool and Tyler couldn't catch the frisbee and ran into a pole

Justin: as soon as I get home i'm signing up with three modeling agencies one for my face one for my body and one for my knees

Sadie: you do have great knees

Katie confessional: it's so great to be able to chill out and not worry about competing for once

Sadie confessional: seriously it gives us more time to admire Justin without distractions

Katie & Sadie confessional: so yummy

chef started to cook a steak while Owen, Izzy and Eva are having a marshmallow eating contestant 

Izzy: 95

Izzy then chugs some soda and burps in Eva's face

Owen: woo hoo that was awesome you are a marshmallow godess

Eva's stomach began to rumble

Izzy: 37's not bad either, besides with enough practice you'll be burping like *BUUUUUUUURP*

she burped so hard she sent Lindsay and Lindsay to the other side of the pool

Owen: I think i'm in love with you

she then kissed Izzy's hand but she then threw up on chef's steak

Izzy: ew that was gross, okay who wants some hot dogs 

Owen confessional: how can you not love a women who can barf like a guy and come back for more

Harold was just sitting down but then started to flex when Leshawna started to walk by

Harold: Hi Leshawna

Leshawna: hey there sugar baby mhm you got game baby you've been working out

Harold: you noticed these are for you

he hands her some yellow flowers

Leshawna: listen Harold I got to talk to you about all that see you and me

Harold: uh huh

Leshawna: on the dock I just got all emotional back there you know with the elimination and all and I think we moved way too fast

Harold: oh okay so can I still talk to you and stuff

Leshawna: Harold you are the funkiest baddest strangest white boy I ever met you and me are like this

she crosses her fingers

Harold: alright so you want to go behind the bushes and make out

Leshawna: did you not hear one word I just said, look I gotta go

Harold: i'll win you over Leshawna I love you

Harold confessional: yeah Leshawna and I are pretty tight i'm sure we'll hook up after the show's over, maybe move in together when we're like thirty i'd have to ask my mom first but i'm sure it'd be alright maybe she'd let us have the basement, that'd be cool

Leshawna then walks over and sits down with Gwen, Trent and (y/n)

Gwen: I think the best thing about playing this stupid game was meeting the three of you 

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