Wawanakwa gone wild!

754 21 7

currently the campers where walking

Owen: wild flowers for a wild and crazy girl

Izzy: oh yeah as in the kind you abandon and leave for dead in the hands of a chainsaw weilding psycho killer with a hook

Owen: me abandon you never, never ever

Owen then got put in a trap

Gwen: wasn't there just a 300 pound bag of joy talking to you

Owen: i'm only 296, someone set a trap

then a giant crate falls on them

Owen: or two

Chris: good morning campers or should I say trappers ready for today's challenge, excellent then let's chat about it over chow shall we

Owen: he's coming back to un-trap us right 

a knife cuts the rope making Owen fall on the cage opening it

Owen: good aim


everyone was struggling to eat the food in the cafeteria

Gwen: paste

Chris: campers there are only eight of you left on total drama island, after tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony only seven of you will remain we're nearing the end people so look alive

(y/n) confessional: the final eight I didn't think i'd make it this far especially since I got a second chance

Chris: today's challenge involves making like your provinces great rangers and game wardens you'll each have eight hours to trap an animal

Duncan: got one

he holds Owen's arm

Chris: a wild animal which you must bring back to the campfire unharmed, rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers

Gwen: for my good I might have to barbecue my animal i'm starving to death

Chris: funny you should mention that Gwen, reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of all of your favorite foods

Heather: I am so winning

Owen: so you're not gonna eat that



Chris: everyone choose an animal assignment 

Owen: chipmunk

Leshawna: frog

Duncan: raccoon

(y/n): Rabbit

Gwen: duck

Geoff: beaver

Izzy: deer yes baguete a doe

Heather: bear are you kidding me

Chris: it's the only animal left

Heather: these degenerates get cute little froggy and we baby ducky and i'm supposed to trap a bear with my bear hands

Chris: you do get 60 seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help

Heather: unless there's an animal trainer and a zebra carcass in there I don't think it'll be adequate this is ridiculous

Chris: I don't think iv mentioned the penalty yet

Heather: I don't care i'll take it

Chris: loser cleans the communal washrooms

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