you can't take the heat

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everyone was currently asleep but then Duncan got up and started doing some push ups but stopped when he noticed Harold's dirty underwear

Duncan: oh oh

DJ, (y/n) & Geoff: hahaha

Duncan: not cool Harold, not cool

Harold: those aren't mine

Duncan: oh right you're always leaving your kits lying around

Harold: no i'm not gosh

Geoff: uh yeah you are dude

Harold: you like have absolutely no proof

(y/n): no one else wears that kind dude

DJ: and your mom sewed your name on the label

Harold: whatever i'm going for a shower

Duncan: hey don't forget to clean the skid maker, i think Harold needs to be taught a lesson boy's who's with me

yeah! they said while high fiving


everyone met Chris near the beach for the next challenge

Chris: today's challenge will test your minds your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen you'll be cooking a three course meal and serving it to me for tasting the winners get a reward the losers send somebody home, each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking, to cook you need ingredients

a truck then suddenly comes up from the ocean

Chris: every morning a truck brings us food today's task starts there

DJ, Geoff and (y/n) opened up the truck and looked inside

Geoff: we could make a killer Italian theme

Duncan: hello head chef

Geoff: seriously then let's get grabbing


in the kitchen

Geoff: okay we got three courses and seven people so everyone partner up

DJ: i know how to make pasta sauce

Bridget: i now how to boil pasta

they both high five each other

Harold: me and (y/n) can rock the anti pasta i'm a black belt when it comes to cutting cheese 

everyone starts to laugh and Harold just looks confused

Harold: what, what?

(y/n): that's a fart thing

Harold: aw gross

Duncan: guess that leaves you and me on dessert detail

Courtney: oh no, no way

Geoff: come on Courtney for the team

they say while smiling and Courtney gave in

then the plan to get back at Harold begins first Geoff left to take all of Harold's underwear and gave DJ a signal

DJ: so were do you want the water Bridg-

DJ then spilled a pot of water on Harold

Harold: oh hey smooth move dorkahontis

(y/n): bummer better go change man

Harold left to find fresh clothes while DJ, Geoff and (y/n) try to hold back there laughter meanwhile Heather was giving orders to the rest of her team of what to do

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