Chouzetsu/Turbo Shu Kurenai x Jealous Reader

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Requested by beybladeburstfan247
Thank you for your request. I get inspired from your stories. Alright on with the story...
Being the girlfriend of the prince charming of every princess' dreams was both good and bad at the same time.

Almost every girl, wished to be THE Shu Kurenai's girlfriend. Alas, Shu had already chosen his princess. But that didn't mean that the others would stop trying.

They would do absolutely anything to steal Shu. But Shu wasn't the type of guy to fall for such cheap tricks. He had chosen his girl and there was no way he was leaving her side.

"Shu-san~how was your day today?~"

(Random girl's name or R/G/N) asked. She was one of his crazy fangirls who wanted Shu all for herself.

"It was good." Shu simply replied without looking up from the bey stadium, he was practicing at.

"You always practice so hard. Don't you ever get tired?~" She sing songed in an annoying way but not enough to affect Shu.

"No." Shu said with all his attention on Spryzen.

Shu's girlfriend (Y/N), had been watching (R/G/N) and Shu talk from a distance. This has been going on for a few days with (R/G/N) who had been trying to act as more than a friend to Shu.

No one's P.O.V.

"Shu! Let's go out and spend some time together!" (Y/N) said, cutely tugging his coat.

Shu smiled as he turned to look at her and asked, "You mean, a date?"

She quickly nodded, making him chuckle.

"Yeah, sure. We'll go to the park and have ice cream. And then we can go to the movies. How does that sound?"

"Great to me! I can't wait." She said happily, as he patted her head.

Suddenly (R/G/N) came into his office with a sly smile on and said,

"Shu-san~ Can you please see what's wrong with my bey?~ It won't spin properly."

Shu took her bey and examined it carefully.
"But your bey seems fine. Are you launching it properly?" He asked.

"I think that I do it right~ But it'll be good if you see it and help me find the problem~"

She said, mischievously smiling at (Y/N).

"Alright, let's go."

Shu sighed as he got up, leaving (Y/N) alone with an annoyed face.
And the entire day (R/G/N) kept Shu busy by 'accidentally' doing the wrong launches.
(Y/N) just thought of scaring Shu from behind. He was standing with Fubuki, giving him some battling tips.

Fubuki saw her coming up from behind as she motioned him to be silent. He nodded and waited for her to surprise his mentor.

As she was about to do that, (R/G/N) popped up again and said,

"Shu san~ Please check my launcher~ I think something's wrong with it~"

Shu walked over to her, not noticing that (Y/N) is behind him. As he walked away, Fubuki began,

"Looks like that girl is determined on spoiling Shu and your relationship..."

At this, (Y/N) just groaned and walked away frustrated.

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