Chouzetsu/Turbo Shu Kurenai x Phi's Sister Reader

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Requested by RolaineDeang
Tysm for your request. I hope you'll like the requested story....
Dread Tower (No one's P.O.V.)

"(Y/N), how long do you plan on sleeping?" Hyde whined as he knocked on the door for like the 57th time.

"Just five minutes more brother." A sleepy and muffled voice said from inside the room, making the boy sigh.

"You've been saying that from the past 30 minutes." Hyde whined again.

Then from the opposite end of the hall, came an albino head walking towards the (h/c) haired girl's room.

"(Y/N)...get up will you?" Phi said as he knocked on the door.

"Fine. 10 minutes and I'll be down in the hall." (Y/N)'s voice said from inside the room as Hyde's jawdropped.

"How and why does she always listen to you only?" He asked and looked over at Phi who just smiled.

"Maybe because I'm strict." He said and also walked off to the dining hall with Hyde following him shortly after.

Meanwhile in the girl's room, she sleepily got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day. Within a few minutes, she was done and headed downstairs where her brothers were waiting for her.

This is the story of (Y/N), the youngest sibling in the family of Phi. She was different then her brothers.

They were heterochromic and albino heads while she was just a normal girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

She was not a blader like them though. She was an analyst like Evel. Often watching everyone battle at the Dread Tower, she had learnt so many useful tactics of blading. She would often go around the tower giving advice to everyone regarding the strengths and weaknesses of their beys.

Though she wasn't a blader, Phi and Hyde still loved her dearly. They were nearly overprotective brothers to her.

No one, not even Kyle and Evel could get near (Y/N) unless one of them was around her. Let's go to the day when Aiger came to the Dread Tower along with Fubuki, Ranjiro and Shu...

Timeskip to that day when Phi was not around and Aiger and his gang came to the Dread Tower: (No one's P.O.V.)

"What was the name of those guys again?" A certain (h/c) haired girl asked as she walked in the room her brother and Evel were seated at.

"That red haired monkey looking one is named Aiger Akabane and the one beside him that has the hairstyle of a broom is Ranjiro Kiyama."

Hyde answered as they both now saw two more people with red eyes enter.

"And who are those?"

"That albino would be none other than the world famous blader Shu Kurenai. And the other blonde boy is his top student Fubuki Sumiye." This time Evel answered as (Y/N) looked at Shu with keen interest.

"Is it just me or is my sister looking interested in Shu?" Hyde teased (Y/N) as Evel turned his attention towards the siblings too.

"There's a high chance that she just might. Shu Kurenai has one of the highest number of crazy fangirls in the world." Evel said and was about to start a scientific rant again before Hyde shut him up.

(A timeskip after the battle between Shu and Aiger is done and they all left the Dread Tower. We'll now go to the part where Phi has turned dark and corrupt) No one's P.O.V.

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