Chapter twelve: King Foltest

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"You'll be just fine my dear, breathe."

Triss whispers into my ear as she leads me and Geralt into the throne room of King Foltest and I look around, noticing the tense air in the room as Triss curtsies and me and Geralt give a slight bow to the King.

"Miss Merigold, you were dispatched to settle a family affair, not to enlist a mutant mercenary and his pet for a game of sleuthing."

The captain of the guard states coldly and I shoot him a glare as I lean against the wall, my hand resting against it as I try to calm my nerves. I was never good at talking to royalty.

"This is no game captain. Tonight is a full moon and Geralt and (Y/N) have already proven themselves to be invaluable. "

Triss defends us, a small smile tugging at my lips when I see how angry she appeared at his comments, and my eyes shift to Geralt, noticing how he'd set his jaw in a tight scowl.

"You say she is a girl? Then you shall refer to her as her royal highness."

The captain as the other man in the room moves from his spot, walking over to the captain as he speaks.

"Segelin, I believe urgency warrants flexibility in court decorum."

The man stops just beside Segelin and I frown, a bad feeling starting to brew in my gut. He was hiding something.

"The witchers theory is nonsense. Princess Adda was the people's angel, who'd wish to murder her?"

Segelin asks and I sigh, speaking up as Geralt looks at me for a moment.

"How about her lover, perhaps gents."

I suggest and the captain scoffs as I notice the King pauses his eating and I think it odd.

"I wouldn't expect a simple girl like you to understand, but it was seditious rumors. Idle courtesans trading out of boredom for jealousy. "

Segelin says with a curt tone and I roll my eyes at him, Geralt giving him a glare.

"Perhaps if you let us search the abandoned castle, we could find some clues as to who cursed your beloved princess, hmm?"

I say to him as Triss motions to me in agreement.

"Except this witcher and his pet would kill the princess while she sleeps and collect the miner's coin."

Segelin says glaring at me and I growl softly at his words. Why does everyone call me a pet as an insult, it didn't make sense.

"Call her a princess. Call her a unicorn if you'd like too. She grew inside Adda, feeding off her petrified womb. Mutating, growing for years till she got so hungry she was forced to slither out."

Geralt says in a cold tone, looking between the three men as he speaks and I watch the King, Foltest seeming to be affected by Geralt's words the most.

"Rotten muscle, bent bones, two spider legs, claws dragging in the dirt. An overgrown abortion."

Geralt continues and I see the King tense, and I start to put the pieces together. No surprise to finding out his sister had been murdered but as soon as Geralt started to talk about the father of the child he reacted. He couldn't be...

"Enough. Leave."

Foltest says in a gruff voice and I follow Triss and Geralt, Geralt holding the door for us as we walk through before pushing the captain out of the door and locking it.

"You know, he kept glancing back at you whenever Segelin insulted you."

Triss says to me quietly and I blush lightly, her taking my hands and pulling me aside as the knights continue to slam against the door.

"He cares for you my dear. You need only act on it."

Triss says with a smirk and I smile softly, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"I still have a few things I need to heal before I do. My last love hurt me deeply, Triss, it will take me time to admit if I have feelings for him"

I say quietly before the guards open the door, and me and Triss follow them inside quickly.

"You, take your girl and leave Temeria. Never return."

Foltest says slowly as he points his finger to me and Geralt sighs, walking over to the door and taking my hand, leading me out of the castle.

"We're not actually leaving, right?"

I ask Geralt and he smirks cheekily, nodding his head as he pulls me aside from the main road.

"We're heading to the old castle. Stay close to me."

Geralt says in a quiet yet stern tone and I nod. Following Geralt we reach the abandoned castle, looking around I notice guards stationed at the entrance as Geralt crouches, pulling me down with him.

"You were told to leave Temeria. "

I hear Triss say behind me and Geralt shrugs his shoulders, keeping focused on the guards movements.

"But come on, these views."

Geralt says quietly and I stifle a laugh behind him, covering my mouth with my hand to quiet myself.

"Are you going to kill her?"

Triss asks Geralt and he lets out a sigh, turning so he can face her as he speaks.

"I don't want the miner's coin."

Geralt says with a sincere tone and I notice how serious he's taking this mission, thinking back to the story he told me about Renfri.

"Or mine apparently. What's this girl mean to you?"

Triss asks and I give her a look, telling her with my eyes that she went too far as Geralt stops talking.

"Well then, I'm sure someone as legendary as you can figure out a way to get past Segelin's guards."

Triss says and I pick up a heavy rock from beside me, tossing it against the wall ahead of us, making a loud sound echo through the air and the guards flee in terror and I give her a smirk.

"Not legendary, but effective."

I say as Geralt stands up, pulling me to my feet as he heads inside the abandoned castle and me and Triss look at the bones littering the floor.

"So many secrets are laying in this hall."

I mumble to myself as we walk through the hallway, Geralt checking the doors as we walk and I notice a portrait of Foltest and Adda as children hanging on the wall and I look at it with a sad gaze.

"What happened to them?"

Triss mumbles and Geralt stops for just a moment before continuing down the hall.

"Pretty sure Foltest is the father."

Getalt says and my stomach does a somersault in disgust at the thought of it. Finally finding Adda's bedroom I open the door, looking around and noticing a music box on one of the shelves and I walk over to it, looking it over as Triss looks around the room, Geralt stopping in front of Adda's bed. Turning the handle of the music box it plays an eerie melody and I stop, fidgeting with each of the keys on the box before one slides out, opening a secret compartment and I pull out the letters inside. Opening them I scan the writing, my heart dropping in my chest.

"Geralt. Letters from Queen Sancia, Adda and Foltest's mother."

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