Chapter seventeen: The Ball

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"Right so stick close to me, look mean and pretend you're a mute. Can't have anyone finding out who you really are.''

Jaskier says as he steps into the ballroom with me and Geralt beside him and I give him a look, rolling my eyes at him as Geralt looks around as some of the men look at me and he takes my arm and I glance at him.

"Geralt of Rivia, the mighty witcher!"

I hear a voice say as Geralt looks over to the man who spoke, a brown haired gentleman who was dressed finely, and Geralt nods to him as he walks over to us.

"I haven't seen you since the plague years."

The man says and I look to Geralt for a hint of who this man was as his eyes flickered from me to Geralt.

"Good times Mousesack."

Geralt says and I look at the man as he laughs.

"I've missed your sour complexion. I feared this would be a dull affair, but now the white wolf is here perhaps not all is not lost."

Mousesack looks at me and smiles, taking my hand in his gently.

"And who is this lovely maiden?"

Mousesack asks me, giving my knuckles a soft kiss and I smile at him.

"My name's (Y/N), I've been traveling with Geralt for about 7 months now."

I say, Geralt humming in agreement and Mousesack smiles, letting my hand go and taking my arm in his, looking back at Geralt.

"Then I shall make sure you're well looked after tonight, hmm? Walk with me you two."

Mousesack starts walking with me and Geralt follows, keeping his eyes on mine and Mousesack's entwined arms as someone toasts to Mousesack and he laughs heartily, taking a sip from the mug in his other hand.

"I've been advising the Skelligen crown for years. A tad rough around the edges but they're of the earth. Like me. ''

Mousesack says to Geralt and I as he walks with us to a side hall in the room.

"Old and crusty."

Geralt says and I stifle a laugh behind my hand, Geralt smiling slightly at my reaction.

"So, how long before this horse trading is done? I'm not used to being in a royal crowd like this."

I ask Mousesack and he smiles, taking a sip of ale.

"Don't expect to leave till dawn my lady. These suitors will vie all night for Princess Pavetta's hand. Marrying into this monarchy is a mighty prize. Who wouldn't want to be king of the most powerful force in the land?"

Mousesack says, letting go of my arm and I lean against the pillar next to him, my arms behind my back.

"So which one of these little shits is your coin on?"

Geralt asks and I chuckle at his blatant disrespect for the royals.

"That red headed scanderlout over there, Crach an Craite, will marry Pavetta. The lioness has already arranged it with the boy's uncle, Eist Tuirseach. No one would dare make a move on an alliance that powerful."

Mousesack says and I look at the man he said was Eist as he flips a dagger around to impress the ladies he was talking to and I roll my eyes at his attempt.

"Handy with a blade. And with ladies"

Geralt says looking him over and Mousesack chuckles, taking another sip of his ale.

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