Chapter twenty-two: The Wish

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Wrote this last night at like 1 am, let's go insomnia! But I do my best writing then, so on with our story! Next chapter will contain smut so that's chill.

"Wake, little bird."

Yennefer says and my eyes flutter open, looking around the room and noticing the sun rising as I sit up quickly, looking around for Geralt and Jaskeir, finding Geralt nowhere.

"Yennefer, where's Geralt?"

I ask her and she turns to me with a soft look.

"He's fine my dear. He went out to get something to eat while you were resting."

I look at her and my eyes flicker to the amphora drawn on her stomach and I panic.

"Yennefer what are you doing?"

I ask with a wavering voice and she smiles at me weakly.

"Nothing to concern yourself with, little bird."

She says as I hear Jaskier take a deep breath in and he rises with a start, looking around the room and I turn my attention to him, grabbing his hands as he gives me a panicked look.

"(Y/N), where are we, and why are you dressed like that?!"

Jaskier says and I shush him, placing my hand on his cheek gently and rubbing my thumb across it as tears form in my eyes.

"We're with a friend, she healed you."

I tell him with a smile and he turns his attention to Yennefer and quickly climbs out of the bed as I see her give him a murderous look.

"Ah, look my lady I must thank you for saving me and looking after my dearest sister but we really must be leaving hmm?"

Jaskier says panicking as he glances to me, and Yennefer gets up from the end of the bed and walks over to her dresser as she pulls out a dagger. My heart drops as I get out of the bed but she lifts her hand toward me and I'm blasted back against the wall with magic.

"Express your deepest desires and you can be on your way."

She says threateningly and I fight against the magic holding me in the air.

"Well my deepest desires are currently satisfied, thank you so much."

Jaskier says as he quickly puts on his boots, heading to the door with his eyes trained on me as I struggle, wiggling against the wall in the air to no avail.

"How's your throat?"

Yennefer asks him as she magically pins him to the wall across from me and he stutters, trying to move.

"Perhaps you should try some scales for your lovely sister and I?"

She says and Jaskier glances at me before hurriedly starting to sing as Yennefer comes closer to him.

"Toss a coin to your witcher oh valley of penis oh god!"

Jaskier says as Yennefer holds the knife to his neck menacingly.

"If you want to keep all you have, make a damn wish."

Yennefer says and Jaskier panics as I try to fight the magic holding me to the wall, almost being able to lift my arms away.

"Stop this Yennefer!"

I say and I feel my voice go hoarse as I try to continue to speak, nothing coming out as she turns her head to me.

"Little birds like you need to know when to sing my dear."

She says and I try to speak but nothing comes out, Jaskier looking at me in fear. Yennefer pushes him to the ground and kneels before the symbol she painted and the candles flare.

"Make your wish, now!"

She says in a commanding tone and Jaskier stutters.

"I don't know, I wish very badly my sister had her voice back and for us to leave this place forever!"

Jaskier says and Yennefer gasps as I'm dropped, landing hard against the ground and Jaskier tries to run over to me but he's blown back by magic, and I motion for him to leave and he runs out of the room as Yennefer starts chanting in Eldar and I wince, standing up and fighting to get near her.

"Yennefer stop this!"

I yell, my voice having returned when her magic dropped me and her eyes roll into the back of her head, my words not reaching her as I look around for a way to stop her spell. As I'm searching Yennefer lets out a scream, being thrown across the room by her magic as the spell intensifies, and I run over to her as I hear sickening cracks come for her body.

"Leave (Y/N)!"

Yennefer cries out and I shake my head, trying to grab her arm.

"No I'm not leaving you to fight this alone!"

I yell above the wind, grabbing her hand as I'm blown back into the wall by the force of the spell, Yennefer continuing to chant in Eldar.


I hear Geralt yell as he enters the room and he runs over to me and helps me off the floor.

"We can't leave her to fight this alone!"

I tell him and he nods, turning to Yennefer.

"Becoming the vessel for the djinn will make you lose control, not gain it! Besides, Jaskier wasn't the one with the wishes I am!"

Geralt says and Yennefer glares at him, growling out in pain.

"Then make your wishes Geralt! The djinn isn't weakening, it's going to tear her apart!"

I say to him as he tries convincing her to release the djinn, offering her his last wish before he and I are tossed against the wall with her magic and I let out a choked breath, the wind being knocked out of me and Geralt grabs my hand, pulling me to him as Yennefer fights with the djinn, Geralt mumbling his last wish as the spell ends, the amphora painted on Yennefer flaking off with the wind as she looks at me as I regain my breath.

"Where did the djinn go?"

She says and I hear cracking coming from the roof and I dash over to Yennefer as the ceiling breaks.

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