Chapter thirty-two: Destiny

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Whoa lovelies. I didn't think I could fall for Yennefer more than I already did but rewatching the season finale got my little bisexual heart feeling SOMETYPE OF WAY MY GODS. Shes to perfect I can't 💜💜💜💜

"Wait here (Y/N), I'll be back. I only want to check on the child."

Geralt says as I follow him through the market of Cintra, rolling my eyes at him.

"If it wasn't for my scouting we wouldn't even be here Geralt. Don't handle this alone, it's not just your child of surprise."

I say and Geralt stops with a sigh, turning to me and placing his hands on my shoulders gently, kissing my forehead softly.

"I'm not bringing you with me. If anything happens you will be the first to know, but I need you to remain out of this."

Geralt says and I sigh, pouting softly before nodding, Geralt letting me go and I watch him head through the crowd before turning, heading to the castle. I'd kept in touch with Mousesack, so I knew that Pavetta and Duny had gone down at sea, and that their child had been raised by Calanthe. Walking into the main gate I see Queen Calanthe looking through the wares of her people and she turns, her guards drawing their swords as she sees me and I hold up my hands in surrender.

"I mean no harm Calanthe. I just wish to know if Cirilla will be safe."

I say quickly, Calanthe having her guards put their weapons away.

"Your Witcher has called the law of surprise already. I'm surprised you even know about Ciri, though you are the human of that relationship. "

Calanthe says, motioning for me to follow her and I smile softly, putting my hands down as I walk over to her.

"I've kept in touch, Geralt didn't even know I did. A child surprise is not something I take lightly."

I say softly, Calanthe scoffing softly with a slight smile as we walk into the palace.

"At least you understand the seriousness of the matter. That Witcher is more of a fool than I thought, showing up out of the blue after twelve years."

Calanthe says bitterly and I frown softly, putting my hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"I heard about Pavetta. You have my deepest sympathy for your loss, and I want you to know that no matter what happens I will bring Ciri back unharmed, and happy."

I say gently and Calanthe gives me a wary smile, nodding to her guards as they take my hands and I give her a questioning look.

"I won't keep you to that promise. Because Ciri won't be leaving with you, or your Witcher."

Calanthe says and I glare at her, being escorted to the gate keep, my armor and weapons taken from me as I'm tossed into a cell, a sigh leaving my lips. Sitting down in the sand I lean my back against the wall, closing my eyes and listening to the sounds of the world outside. Hours passed till I heard the sounds of battle, my heart dropping to my stomach as my cell shakes, dust falling from the ceiling. Opening my eyes I hear keys jingle in the lock and I see Geralt unlocking my cell door and I stand, walking over to him and I pull him into a quick kiss, knowing we'd be heading into the middle of this fight.

"We have to find Ciri."

I say and Geralt nods, handing me my sword and we leave the gate keep, slaying the Nilfgaardian soldiers that came in our way. Quickly hiding behind cover I look at the gates, seeing soldiers pile into the castle and fires littered the ground, smoke rising into the night sky.

"(Y/N) get out of here. Ciri might have made it out of the chaos, if not, meet me at Kaer Morhen."

Geralt whispers next to me and I frown softly, grabbing his arm quickly as he goes to follow the soldiers and he looks at me with a frown.

"I'm not leaving you."

I say softly, Geralt looking at me for a moment before kissing me softly, cupping my cheek gently. Pulling back from the kiss he leans his forehead against mine as he looks into my (E/C) eyes.

"Find Ciri. That is our goal. I promise to come back to you, and in one piece."

Geralt says and I frown softly, gripping my sword hilt tightly.

"You've said that before, back in Temeria. You came back to me in five."

I say sadly, Geralt chuckling before placing one last kiss to my lips.

"This time I will come back in one piece. Find Ciri, then take her to Kaer Morhen. I will meet you there."

Geralt says and I nod, taking a moment to collect my nerves before gripping my sword hilt, running down the path and striking down any enemies that came in my way, finding Nareas running around the chaos and I grab her reins quickly, calming her down.

"Let's go girl."

I say softly, getting on her saddle before riding off, trying to find any trace of Cintrain survivors, all the camps I found being destroyed, bodies littering the ground.

"Damnit. Where are you Cirilla?"

I mumble, pulling tight on Nareas reins, galloping away from the scene of death, knowing what creatures lurked after large slaughters like that happened. I couldn't shake this feeling in the pit of my stomach, it was as if something was pulling me north. Deciding to trust my instincts I follow the feeling, heading north to a quiet farm, watching as an older gentleman faces me as I ride down to them from the hill.

"What brings you here young miss?"

The older man asks me and I get off Nareas saddle, voices echoing in my mind as my vision seems to blur softly, and I stumble, the older gentleman and his wife catching me.

"Woah, are you alright? First the Witcher, now this girl, I'm attracting all interesting folk."

The older gentleman says as he looks me over and I blink, focusing on him as best as I could.

"Witcher? Where is he, which way did he go?"

I ask and the man points to the woods, letting me go as I turn and run in the direction he told me of, the feeling in my stomach growing as I run. Jumping over a fallen tree I see Geralt hugging someone in a blue coat, my feet skidding to a halt beneath me.

"People linked by destiny will always find each other."

Geralt says to the young girl as she lets him go, a curious look on her face.

"Who's (Y/N)?"

The young girl asks and I smile softly, walking closer to them and Geralt turns to face me, smiling softly and I give him one as well, happy he was okay.


I say softly, the young girl looking at me with a smile before rushing into my arms, gripping me tightly and I return the hug just as tight.

"That would be (Y/N)."

Geralt says, walking over to us and I smile softly, Ciri letting me go gently and I cup her cheek gently, smiling.

"I'm so glad to have found you both. But who's Yennefer?"

Ciri asks and I glance at Geralt as snow begins to fall and I turn my gaze to the sky, a soft frown on my features.

"We need to get to Sodden."

HOOOOOO DEAR LOVELIES. Sleep, who's she? Im now on my Witcher phase again and I'm down to write more. Hope yall enjoyed this chapter, until the next time lovelies!

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