Chapter Thirty-five: Storm warning

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Taking a seat next to Geralt I accept the glass of wine Nivellen hands me with a soft smile. Watching Ciri play with the game board quietly I take a small sip of the sweet tasting liquid, the energy feeling in my stomach brewing. Nivellen was hiding something, a priestess no matter how angry at the trashing of her temple wouldn't use a curse of this magnitude. What else had he done to earn this curse? I'm brought back to the present when Geralt places a hand against mine, making me look over at him with a small smile.

"You alright (Y/N)? You looked like you were lost in thought."

Ciri asks me and I give her a small smile.

"I'm just fine my dear, I'm just a little tired is all."

I say reassuringly when I hear the soft chittering and shuffles on the roof again and I look up, setting the glass of wine down.

"Nivellen, do you have a cat? I think the poor thing might be stuck in the ceiling."

Ciri asks and Nivellen stands, looking up at the ceiling with a smile.

"I do in fact, she's fine. Vereena, she's called. I'm very glad of her company, even if she is a shy wee thing. Not fond of strangers."

Nivellen says and I frown softly, not believing what he said as I glance at Geralt, noticing the same uneasiness in his eyes.

"Didn't you say you were cursed to live alone?"

Geralt asks and Ciri rolls her eyes at him, leaning back slightly as she looks at Geralt.

"Didn't you say cats are afraid of Witchers?"

Ciri asks with a teasing tone and I have to force myself not to laugh, hiding my smile behind my hand as Geralt gives us both a look.

"How about a show?"

Nivellen asks the group and I frown softly, glancing at Geralt as he stands up from his seat.

"How about we scout the property? Make sure it's secure for the night."

Geralt says and I nod in agreement, Ciri looking at the both of us with a sigh.

"Oh go on you two. We'll be alright."

Ciri says and I give her a look, getting up from my seat and leaning down, placing a soft kiss on her head.

"You sure you don't want me to stay my dear?"

I ask her softly and Ciri shakes her head as Geralt leaves the room.

"You can stay if you wish, my lady."

Nivellen says and I stand up, shaking my head with a smile.

"No, I should go after Geralt. He can be such a grump when he's in a mood like this."

I say softly and Nivellen smiles slightly, nodding as I leave the room, walking through the lonely manor and I leave out the front door, shivering slightly as the cold air and snow hits my skin.

"It's as if she's determined to do the opposite of the thing that will keep her safe."

I hear Geralt say as I see him pet Roaches head gently and I smile softly, walking as quietly as I could over to him.

"Verbose when I need her to be quiet, stubborn and sullen when I need her to talk. Reminds me of (Y/N) when we first started traveling together."

Geralt says softly with a chuckle and I smile softly, walking up behind him and wrapping my arms around his waist gently. "I wasn't that bad, was I?"

I ask him teasingly and Geralt chuckles, turning around and giving me a soft kiss, my heart melting at the gentle action.

"No, you were worse. Your saving grace was that you could swing a sword properly."

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