Chapter thirteen: A horrible affair

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"A queen mother cursing her own children for their affair. This could destroy the throne."

Ostrit says, placing the letters onto his table and tapping his knuckles against it.

"Sancia wanted Adda to get rid of the child."

Geralt says, leaning against the pillar in the corner while I look around his potions room, a bad feeling forming in my gut.

"Seems Adda was intent on keeping the child though."

I mutter, walking to the window and looking out it.

"And now she's taken that curse with her to the grave."

Ostrit says and I glance at Geralt, catching his eye and I motion for him to continue asking questions.

"You worked for the family for decades, did you know if Sancia was involved with any dark sorcery of any kind?"

Triss asks Ostrit and I notice him almost avoid the question, confusion crossing my features.

"What was your relationship to Adda?"

Geralt asks Ostrit and I look at the man in question.

"Well I like to think she saw me as a confidant, a protector even. We used to talk at great length about her troubles, she could be very naive."

Ostrit finished his explanation with a small smile and I gave Geralt a look to see if he was believing him.

"Did she ever mention her brother?"

I ask, Ostrit shaking his head.

"Not like this at least."

Ostrit says and motions to the letters for emphasis.

"She was ashamed."

Triss starts, Ostrit nodding at her before cutting her off.

"Or she was frightened. What if the relationship was not consensual?"

Ostrit says and I raise my eyebrow at him in question.

"You think Foltest raped Adda and cursed the child as a cover up?"

I ask him, glancing at Geralt who could tell I was not believing a word this man said.

"Kings have done one for less."

Ostrit retorts and Geralt hums in thought, moving towards Ostrit menacingly.

"True, there's only one wrinkle though."

Geralt says before getting close to Ostrit, the man looking nervous.

"Your scent was on her sheets."

Geralt says lowly, my eyes widening and my stomach lurching at the implication.

"What would I be doing in a dead girl's bed?"

Ostrit stammers, Triss glaring at him as Geralt leans closer to him.

"I smelled what you were doing."

Geralt growls out next to Ostrit and I see his facade crumble down.

"Foltest had no right! He seduced Adda, abused his position. He was always nagging her for attention. Always nagging! But he didn't love her, I did."

Ostrit confesses as Geralt walks over to where me and Triss are standing and I could feel my anger creeping up inside me.

"So you cursed the woman you loved?!"

Triss asks him in disbelief, Ostrit glaring at her.

"I cursed Foltest, not her."

Ostrit days and I scowl at him, stepping towards him.

"Countless are dead because of your jealousy."

I growl out at him, my hand shaking in anger.

"Countless are dead because of Foltest! He spoiled Adda with his seed, he refuses to kill this striga, he lies to his people! Yet you wag your finger in my face!"

I feel Geralt grab my arm to stop me from attacking this man, turning his gaze to Ostrit.

"Tell us how you break the curse."

Geralt says slowly and Ostrit shakes his head.

"No. Foltest will watch as Temeria turns against him. Just as he turned Adda against me."

Ostrit says and Geralt let's go of my arm, motioning for me to go ahead and I smirk, slamming my fist against Ostrit's face, knocking him out cold.

"Nice punch."

Triss says and I grin at her, cracking my knuckles.

"Now then, time to handle this striga."

I say and Geralt stops me.

"I'm facing it alone (Y/N)."

I look at Geralt in shock, Triss taking the silence as her que to leave and I glare at Geralt.

"What do you mean your facing it alone?"

I ask him and he sighs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Exactly that. I don't want to risk you getting injured, besides you haven't faced a striga before, I have."

Geralt says sternly and I roll my eyes at him with a frown.

"And who will stop you from going too far, hmm? What if it starts to get the better of you like it did that other witcher?"

I say angrily, glaring at Geralt and I feel sadness start to fill my heart. Geralt sighs, uncrossing his arms and placing his hands on my shoulders gently, and I turn my head to the ground, tears threatening to fall.

"I will break the curse (Y/N). And I will be fine."

Geralt says quietly, lifting my head up with his hand cupping my cheek as a few tears flow down it.

"Promise me you won't give up. And that you'll make it back to me in one piece. The world still needs you white wolf."

I say quietly, reaching my hand up and placing it on Geralt's. Looking into my eyes Geralt nods, cupping my face in both hands now and wiping away the few tears flowing down my cheeks.

"I promise."

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