▹ Disgusting medicine

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"I want a blue coffin. And yellow flowers, please make sure Pluto has a safe home to go to...and make sure, everything i own is passed down to him."

"You have the flu, you're not dying."

George let out an exaggerated sigh which quickly turned into a large cough, scaring the life out of Namjoon, who was clumsily fumbling with the duvet as he tried to tuck George in.

"Also Hyung, tell Chungha it's okay to move on. I don't want her to miss me too mu-" George was cut off by a large cry falling from his lips, holding onto his warm head where Namjoon had slapped.

"Stop talking stupid. You have the flu."

George frowned, grumbling to himself as he continued to rub the back of his head. With a sigh, Namjoon leaned back in the chair that had been set up next to George's bed and grabbed his book.

It had been a few days since George had gotten sick with the flu, but he was being a shit and refused to take his medicine. So, Jin ordered for at least one person to be with him at all times to make sure that he is doing as he's told.

After a few moments of silence, and a few lines into the chapter, Namjoon's peace was interrupted once again by a prod in his leg. Sucking in his cheeks for a second before poking his tongue against the inside of his mouth, Namjoon glanced up from the words on the page and sighed.


George rubbed his red nose and sniffled sadly. "I miss Tokyo."

Namjoon eyed him, clearly confused. "You miss Japan?"

"No," George cried. "My rabbit Tokyo, I got him when I was five but he died. I miss him."

Clearly lost for words, Namjoon simply stared at him. Just as he gathered the right words, George suddenly let out a large sigh and shuffled in his bed, a smile now appearing on his face.

"I'm fine now."


"I don't even remember what Tokyo looked like," George replied, a chuckle falling from his lips.

"You scare me sometimes, Geun Lee," Namjoon told him, leaving back in his chair to read his book again.

George simply smiled and threw his head back against the pillow. Pluto then made an appearance, trotting into the room with a large Chip ( From Beauty And The Beast ) Plushie in his mouth, it was pretty much as big as him and he kept running into walls because he couldn't see past it, but he refused to part with it.

"Is he still carrying that thing around? Aish! He's going to hurt himself," Namjoon worried, closing his book.

George smiled in amusement. "Try and take it off him, I dare you. He'll cry your ear off. It's all Chaeri's fault, I told her that it was too big for him but he insisted that he has it."

Namjoon shook his head in amusement and leaned down to pick Pluto up. The Chip plush nearly knocked him out, but Namjoon managed to dodge just in time.

George leaned over and attempted to grab the Chip plush but Pluto tightened his grip.

Defeated, George sighed and let go. "Spoilt brat."

Pluto simply wagged his tail as Namjoon ran his hand down his brown tousled fur. It was soft against Namjoon's skin.

"You're the reason he's spoilt. This dog is the Stormi Webster of the dog world."

George blinked. "Now who the hell is Stormi Webster?"

"The Kardashian baby," Namjoon replied, though he didn't know which Kardashian baby she was. He just knew she was heavily rich and apart of that family.

"There's like a good few of them, Joon. Narrow it down."

"It doesn't matter. What I was saying is, Pluto is one rich, boujee ass dog because his dad doesn't know how to stop splurging half his pay check on him."

George sneezed loudly before glaring at his leader, his voice sounding different from the blocked nose. "Dogs deserve to be spoilt, he's my baby and I work hard to provide for him."

A loud beeping cut through the room, alerting Namjoon of the time. Almost instantly, George dove under his covers — though he regretted it instantly since it made his headache worse.


"No. I'm not taking it, it's nasty."

Namjoon let out a sigh and placed Pluto at the bottom of George's bed before reaching onto the nightstand to grab the medicine that Jin had left for him to feed George.

"Are you 27 or are you a child?"

George scoffed. "Both."

"Don't make me get Jungkook to come pin you down."

Reluctantly, George pulled the blanket from his head and glared at the spoon in Namjoon's hand. The taste was horrible.

Squeezing his eyes shut, George opened his mouth and allowed the disgusting substance to meet his tastebuds. He couldn't see, but Namjoon cringed with him.

"Alright, done. Do you want some water?"

Dramatically, George held his throat and coughed making Namjoon roll his eyes. He reached across to the nightstand and grabbed the water, twisting the cap and passed it over to George.

He downed the drink in seconds.

"You hate me," George spoke pitifully.

Namjoon chuckled and ruffled George's hair.

"If I hated you, I wouldn't be here right now."


not ashamed to say that i am george when im sick. also sorry for the lack of updates, i haven't had much motivation to write recently but i wanted to get a chapter out.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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