▹ George the love doctor

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Now, it's no secret that George's past relationship was a long while ago and everybody knows that it did not end great. George's past experience with love led to a lot of trust issues and commitment problems, he's terrified of being hurt again.

The topic isn't one he likes to bring up often, which is why most people were surprised when he opened up about it on live. He finally felt comfortable enough to share it with Army, which many of them appreciated. Granted, he was giving advice to a fifteen-year-old Army who was having relationship problems, but the fact that he brought up a hard subject just to help them warmed many of their fans.

"Hi George, I'm fifteen and I am having really bad relationship problems right now. You comfort me in ways you do not know and I just need your advice on how to cope with heartbreak?" He read out before leaning back in his chair in thought. "Hm, fifteen is very young but expected. It's around that age when most guys are starting to figure out their feelings and hormones and all that stuff. Well, I have only ever dealt with heartbreak once."

He glanced off to the wall, focusing on a single spot whilst gathering his thoughts.

"It hurt, it really did and the first thing I want you to know is that you need to cry. You can't just brush it aside because then it will build and you won't get over it. When I was a teenager, I was with a girl and she hurt me badly, I was bullied by her friends and I was just her charity work basically - she used me for a pity bet. We dated for a year before I found out and it broke me, honestly, it tore me apart. Like you, I was young and I had planned my life out with her. The way I healed was I let it hurt me, I didn't push it aside and I didn't try and hide it. I was broken and I owned that."

He nodded at his explanation, fiddling with his hair in concentration. He wanted to help them the best he could because he knew their pain and he loved Army too much to not help them get through this. He felt almost protective like he had to help them through this in any way he could.

"Right now, you will be thinking that you are never going to get over them. Like you need them to feel happy again and without them, life is pointless but believe me, darling, in a few months time, if you give yourself the time to heal, surround yourself with love even if it is just me and the boys or even Army, you will look back at this time and laugh because you will be completely fine without that person. This breakup may have brought you a lot of pain and yes, you may suffer from trust issues in the future, I won't lie but you will soon meet somebody who will make you feel like you are walking on air. You will meet your person very soon, the person you just broke up with was only meant to be temporary. Your permanent lover, whoever that might be, they will make you forget all about what you have been through because that's what you deserve."

He gave the most genuine and gentle smile anyone had ever seen from George and though he didn't know it, his smile alone brought so much comfort to a lot of people.

"But if they don't like Disney, drop them immediately," he added in jokingly. "Like just drop 'em, if they aren't a fan of Disney then they don't get the George Lee stamp of approval."

George took a sip of his water - which was conveniently was inside a Beauty And The Beast water bottle - before leaning closer to get a look at the questions.

"Do I hate my ex?" He read out before shaking his head, eyes full of honesty yet a sprinkle of sadness. "I don't hate her, I could never. We were teenagers back then and at one point, I adored her. We had good times despite the circumstances and she made me laugh on dark days, helped me through a lot and for that I appreciate her. She was a teenager who made a stupid mistake with her friends, it happens. I just hope that now wherever she is, she has learned from her mistakes and in all honesty, I hope she's happy. She deserves happiness, we all do."

She left George with a lot of issues regarding love, but even despite that, he would never talk down about her. Maybe he's too nice, but she was a teen and he likes to believe that she grew up.

"Have I seen her since?" George narrowed his eyes and tried to think. "I think I saw her a few years ago. I uh I think I was picking Jungkook up from school one time and saw her. I smiled at her and that's it." 

George taught a valuable lesson to millions that night without even meaning to. He taught that sometimes, to forgive and to forget is the best way to cope with things in life. Kindness costs nothing and that's a message he hopes everybody receives. 


i wanted to show a different side to george with this chapter, don't get me wrong i love silly george but i really enjoy showing the different sides to him and i am actually super happy with this chapter - i am currently in the process of writing the run zombie ep (it's taking a while) so that will probably be the next chapter. 

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i really hope you enjoyed anyway. 

you are greatly appreciated and remember that you are loved 💜

━ blue x 

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