▹ George being protective moments

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MOMENT ONE — Almost Tumble.

George isn't one for getting protective too often. Like anyone else, he has his moments but he's the member that's able to stay the most calm in particular situations. He's very good with controlling his temper but there are lines that you do not cross.

The boys were rehearsing for their upcoming concert and there had been a a crew member that neither of the boys were really familiar with at all. The crew member had been a little off with all of the boys, but neither of them mentioned it not wanting to cause anything.

George was standing next to Jungkook when he felt the maknae stumble into him. It didn't help that he was right at the edge of the stage and if George hadn't caught them both, they would've been in for a nasty fall.

The older male turned to the boy he considered a little brother and raised an eyebrow in question. His confusion only increased when he saw the look of annoyance and slight confusion on Jungkook's face.

"What just happened?"

"That crew member walked past and made sure to bump my shoulder hard. It kinda caught me off guard, I'm sorry that I nearly pushed us off—"

George didn't give Jungkook a chance to finish because he was already heading in the direction of the crew member. The others started to catch onto what was about to happen and Namjoon was quick to rush after him.

Though he doesn't get mad often, it's not a very nice sight when he does. George Lee might be all sweet and innocent to many but that boy doesn't play around when he's angry.

Jaw clenched and eyebrows furrowed with his chocolate brown eyes hardened on the man who had his back turned, George was held back from taking another step by the leader.

"It isn't worth it. Just step back and take a deep breath, this isn't you."

"I don't care whether this is me or not. That asshole just nearly pushed Jungkook off the fucking stage and if you think I'm going to allow that then you are very wrong."

George failed to mention that he had also nearly been pushed off the stage, but that wasn't his concern. The Maknae always came first to him. Jin and Hoseok made their way over to the pairing to help calm George down.

"Stop this, George. Jungkook is fine, he is over there and he's completely well and safe. It was wrong for the crew member to do what he did and I can assure you I will fix it the rational way," Namjoon assured him.

George turned to look behind him where Jungkook was slowly approaching, a soft smile on the youngest member's face. He came to stop next to Namjoon and patted George's shoulder gently.

"Hyung, don't do anything. I'm okay, I wasn't even the one at main risk of getting seriously injured, you were."

Jungkook brought his elder into a tight hug, a grateful feeling settling in his stomach. Jungkook often wondered what he would do without his dramatic older bro, he doesn't ever want to think of a world without George in it.

"Fine. I won't do anything but say the word and I will."

"Alright muscle man, let's get back to rehearsing," Namjoon cut in and pulled George away from Jungkook and escorted him to his place.

For the rest of the rehearsal, the crew member made sure to stay out of the boys way and more importantly, he kept far away from George Lee.

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora