▹ A whiny Maknae.

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"Shh Jungkook, you can wait."

George was stressed to say the least. For the past...twenty minutes Jungkook had been nonstop complaining to George about his hunger. The boys were at the MAMA awards, and George had accidentally forgotten to pack Jungkook a snack resulting in a whiny Maknae.

With his arms curled around George's arm, Jungkook shook his body with a whine but George simply ignored him and carried on watching the performance. From somebody else's perspective, it looked like a child whining to their parent, which essentially is what was happening.


"What now, Jungkook?" George hissed.

"I'm hungry. My stomach hurts and I feel sick. I need food."

"I'll ram my shoe down your throat if you don't shut up and bare with me. I forgot to pack you a snack, when this is over I'll buy you all the food you want but for now sit still and behave," George scolded.

Jungkook's tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he let go of George and slumped back into his seat. He tried to look cheerful so the cameras didn't catch him being a brat, but with the constant grumbling of his stomach, he was getting more and more impatient.

Since Jungkook was feeling mischievous, he decided the only way he could forget about his hunger is if he annoyed George some more. So, he scooted his chair over which alone made George's heart rate skyrocket. He waited a few minutes for George to relax before poking him in the ribs where George was most ticklish.

George jolted forward in his seat making a high pitch 'eek' sound, he blushed when he got a few stares and turned to look at the ground just for his little 'eek' sound to be repeated when Jungkook poked both of his ribs at the same time.

The older boy turned to shoot a glare in the Maknae's attention but he couldn't as Jungkook took the opportunity to place his hand on the back of George's neck making the boy throw his head back and make some questionable faces along with various different noises.

Other idols who watched the scene play out before them giggled at George's reaction when Jungkook finally stopped and leaned back in his seat. The older boy opted for a light snack on the back of the head and a scolding glance – which only made Jungkook smirk.

That smug little shit.

"As much as I love you, Kook. I really want to smash your face in right now," George whispered as another group began to perform. Jungkook only shrugged in response, not really caring. "I swear, Maknae. You're asking for a very upset George."

"Don't care."

Upon seeing the look that George fired towards him, Jungkook shot an innocent smile in George's direction causing the younger boy to groan and ruffle Jungkook's hair, which he soon regretted when he realised how pissed the stylist was gonna be.

The boys needed to head backstage to prepare for their performance and the first thing George did was run towards their manager, who thankfully had prepared Jungkook a snack after hearing about George's stress. George practically shoved the snack down Jungkook's throat.

"Sorry Hyung. I love you."

"You just harassed me. If you think saying sorry and I love you is going to earn my forgiveness then you're absolutely correct. I love you too."

The other boys scoffed at how easy it was for Jungkook to earn George's attention. The boy really did have a soft spot for his Maknae. Though let's just say, George always made sure to pack Jungkook a snack when attending award shows.

He did not want a repeat of Jungkook's whining.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you're enjoying the book so far. I, for one, am really enjoying writing it. I'm already falling in love with George's character, I'm hoping to add a chapter with Lachlan soon.

Anyway, thank you so much for your support, this wasn't proofread and there will be mistakes.

You are appreciated 💖

- Blue x

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