▹ Real Deal: Episode One

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this is a test run for a potential book which will be a podcast book of chaehyun, chaeri, george and charlie. i wanted to publish a chapter on it just to see how it turns out
hence why it's published here.

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"Welcome, first time with Real Deal?"

With the camera zoned in on Chaehyun, it was left to the mic to capture George's reaction which was a low grunt as he pressed his hands to his cheeks with a slump, seemingly sick of the nonsense already whilst Chaeri and Charlie braced themselves for the bickering that was about to come.

"Absolutely not. That's not our introduction."

"Absolutely. Yes it is."

"I could copyright you for that."

"Oh you could copyright me? Grow up. Hey get a load of this guy, gets a few Grammy nominations and thinks he runs the show."

"It's my show too!" George barked, snatching off his expensive bracelet and hurling it at Chaehyun. Chaehyun tried to dodge the incoming accessory, but it still caught him on the shoulder. The bracelet hit his shoulder and landed on the ground beside Chaeri's foot. With a disapproving shake of her head, she bent down to scoop it up and carefully placed the bracelet in front of her, as if trying to ward off anymore potential assaults from George.

One minute in and they were already launching things.

Of course, given the chaotic introduction, their listeners knew full well that it would be a lot more hectic than just talking about the behind the scenes and they were more than happy with that because who didn't love watching their favourite people off the clock?

"One minute into the first episode and weapons are already being drawn," said Charlie.

In the back, Charlie and Chaehyun continued to squabble so Chaeri gestured for the camera to be trained on her, the bickering lowering as she spoke into the mic. "Whilst they fight like an old married couple, I will do the honour of introducing you to Real Deal! The podcast where you get the inside scoop of being a kpop idol from real Kpop idols, as well as a whole bunch of nonsense that we will talk. I'm Chaeri!"

"And I'm Charlie."

The camera shifted to George, who was animatedly gesturing with a cocky grin on his face. It seemed he was playfully mocking Chaehyun, who had now embarked on an ambitious tirade about why he should have been in BTS instead of George.

When George realized that he was being watched on camera, he quickly put on an angelic smile and widened his eyes in a vain attempt to look innocent. Chaehyun couldn't help but scoff at his transparent act.

"This is Real Deal, the podcast where—"

"Already done that, baby cakes," Charlie interrupted him only to be met with a baffled puppy dog look from his elder. Charlie sighed exasperatedly and spoke in a patronizing tone, as if talking to a child. "Tell them your name."

"Oh. I'm George."

"I'm Lachlan."

"Seriously? Who even calls you that anymore? Just say your name is Chaehyun."

"Excuse me? What you think you know my own name better than me now?"

Charlie clapped his hands together before the two Brits could slip into yet another back and forth. "This is going to be much harder than expected. Let's just jump right into things before someone starts throwing punches."

"To start off, loosen things up shall i say? Why don't we say what groups we're from and how long we have been in the industry?" Chaeri suggested, peering around at the boys who all hummed in agreement.

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