▹ Scaredy cat

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— inspired by my current situation.


The weather was stifling and George had switched positions 60 times already since getting into bed 10 minutes prior. He was struggling badly to sleep due to the heat and was slowly starting to grow frustrated. Laying flat on his back he squeezed his eyes shut and scowled up at the wall before straight up kicking his blanket off of the bed.

What he hadn't expected was for the action to cause something to fly across his head and land on the wall above him. Eyes wide, he switched on the light to see a huge moth and when I tell you he screamed...boy, Ariana Grande would be shook at high his voice went.

He threw himself out of bed and landed on the floor before scrambling out of the room, and straight into Yoongi's. George burst the door open and launched himself on top of his Hyung still screaming. Yoongi woke up with a humph at the impact but he was pissed as George clung to him.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you? Get off of me you psychopath!" Yoongi tried to push the male off of him but to no avail, George was clinging on.

Hearing the commotion, the others woke up and wandered around the dorm until everybody was gathered in Yoongi's room. George looked distraught, which caught the attention of Namjoon quite quickly.

"Hey, George. Are you alright?" He asked slowly as he perched himself on the edge of Yoongi's bed. Yoongi was glaring at the younger male, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. When George didn't speak, Namjoon reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's just me, Georgie. You call tell me anything, what's wrong?"

George pointed in the direction of the door. "In—in my room—" he was interrupted by a large scream coming from Hoseok who began jumping on the spot, batting something away. That's when George saw it.

The moth.

He let out a louder scream and threw himself out of the bed for a second time and ran out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. He ran into the kitchen and pried the cupboards open, he then fit his tall frame inside of one of the cabinets and closed the door.

He held his knees close to his chest and began rocking back and forth as harsh breaths escaped him. He could hear Yoongi's anger from inside the cupboard, but that's not what scared him.

"You're telling me the man - in his mid frickin' twenties - ran and jumped on me at 3 AM because there was a moth in his room? You're joking me right? Like this is a prank right? He had a nightmare didn't he?"

"No I definitely think it was a moth," Jungkook replied and George could imagine him shrugging. "Anyway, I'll get it out of here and you guys go find George Hyung."

George narrowed his eyes, the Maknae was being suspiciously nice.

"George Hyung! Where are you? Jungkook is gonna get rid of it!" Jimin's voice sounded around the dorm, but George remained quiet. When there was no response, Jimin shrugged. "Oh well I tried."

Jin hadn't even intended to find George in the cabinets, he was genuinely looking to get a snack, so imagine the shock when he found the man squished inside there. Jin didn't know whether to laugh or cry because he was sitting on top of some of the food.

Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung rounded the corner and saw George in the cabinet and the three immediately burst out laughing.

"It's literally just a moth," Taehyung teased.

"You're a moth," George grumbled and pried himself out of the cabinet just as Jungkook emerged with the moth trapped in a jaw. George screamed and jumped on Jin, it literally was a real life version of Scooby Doo except George wasn't a dog.

Jin shook his head, but on the inside he was screaming. The moth was huge.

Jungkook finally let the moth free outside the dorm and George reluctantly got out of Jin's grip. He straightened himself out and cleared his throat before letting out a 'pppppst' sound before he laughed and shoved Hoseok's shoulder.

"Can't believe...you'd get scared of a moth...haha what are you? 5?" George quickly quietened down when he saw the look from the others. "Where's Yoongi Hyung?"

"In bed. But you should probably steer clear of him tomorrow. He's not happy with you."

And suddenly, the moth wasn't the only thing that George was afraid of being in the same room as.

Okay, I know it's shitty but I'm just so tired but can't sleep, so I decided to just write a quick chapter, you know?

I hope you enjoyed, thank you so much for reading. This wasn't proofread.

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- Blue x

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