▹ Jimin x George moments

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[ neat little collection of some classic jimin with his favourite hyung, george! for jminhowvo , i hope this was okay for you! ]

{ he next will probably be the dreaded hoseok send off — don't hold me to that actually, it's still raw }

one — feeling spooked.

It's not as though Jimin was a coward, exactly. For the most part, he could manage to sit through a horror film without getting too spooked, but only if he followed it up with some cartoons to cleanse his mind of any unsettling imagery afterwards.

Movie nights were a tradition when the boys shared a dorm, taking time out of their hectic schedules every Friday to settle down and enjoy some quality films. However, once everyone had moved out to live on their own, these movie nights became rarer as each member's calendar grew ever more full. Still, they managed to make it happen every couple weeks whenever they could all get together for a genuinely fun time.

Jimin longed for those beloved nights. And tonight was one of the occasions where his longing for what once was became overwhelming. So he cued up a movie, selecting a horror as it had been their go-to genre. Jimin usually wasn't so easily scared, yet somehow the stillness of his apartment made every eerie sound more pronounced, and the darkness seemed to emphasize the eerie atmosphere in his living room. He couldn't shake off this feeling of terror that had settled upon him.

Which is exactly how he found himself standing in the doorway of George's apartment.

"What? You interrupted my dream—Mickey Mouse was about to make Chungha and I designated members of the Clubhouse."

"I scared myself so now I can't stay at my apartment. Can I sleep here? Preferably in your bed... like old times?" Slowly starting to wake up a bit more, the elder of the pair seemed to realize that Jimin was actually really scared. With a soft sigh, he stepped aside.

"You know where the bedroom is. But we are not making a habit out of this, Park."

Jimin wasn't paying attention, blindly running into George's bedroom and diving headfirst into the bed. George climbed in beside him, extending a gentle hand to the boy in an act of silent understanding. He had been through this so many times before that he knew exactly how to comfort him. A simple touch was enough to show that he was there for support.

"Thanks Hyung," whispered Jimin.

"Yeah yeah—now go to sleep. I'm about to become Mickey's new best friend."

two — jealousy jealousy.         

Jimmy Fallon is not that great of a guy.

Okay—total lie, George couldn't even deny his love for the man. But right now? He was his greatest enemy, though George wouldn't admit that out loud. Who cared that Jimin had been clinging to the show host? Certainly not George. Nor did he give any consideration to the fact that Jimin neglected their plans for sight-seeing in favour of gallivanting with Jimmy Fallon.

He did not care, not even a little bit.

"I thought you were meant to be sight seeing?" Min Yoongi had no idea what he had just done, not until George's face suddenly burned with a deep shade of angry red and his fists began to clench. That was when Yoongi began to regret acknowledging George at all.

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ