▹ The best surprise

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"What's wrong with the car you have now? You spent thousands on that thing."

George Lee had randomly brought a new car home after spending the whole day out at the dealership with Yoongi, who was seated comfortably in the passengers side of the brand new Jaguar, a Starbucks in hand.

The rest of the boys were surrounding the car, both impressed and confused by George's random purchase. He's not usually very Flash with his cash, yeah will spend it on expensive items but he is quite responsible for the most part.

He already has a car which he had only owned for eight months and he spent a lot on it, he's in love with that thing so it was mainly a surprise to see him rock up with a new one.

"Oh my god, are you gonna pull a David Dobrik and surprise me because if so you shouldn't have! But give me the goddamn fucking keys!" Jin held his hand out but George rolled his eyes.

"This isn't for me or any of you. My dad has always wanted a Jaguar, it's been his dream car for years and since his car that he's had for eight years is a piece of shit that keeps on breaking down, I thought now would be the best time to surprise him with this."

George Lee is a family orientated guy. He adores his family and would genuinely do anything for them so not a single one of his members were surprised at his reasoning.

"What's next? You're gonna buy your step mum the latest fucking Chanel purse?"

"Already done that. It took me a week to get her to take it. I planted it in on her bed and ran away," George explained casually. "Her work friends were very jealous apparently."

"Yep. Not everyday your step son surprises you with a bag that most likely costs more than a mortgage just on a regular Tuesday," Namjoon added in with a shrug.

George only chuckled and turned back to the car, a feeling of accomplishment washing over him. From being a child, he has always wished he could repay his father for everything has done for him an now is finally that time where he can give back.

Biting back the urge to get emotional, George grabbed the keys and threw them at Jungkook, who was awestruck staring at the expensive vehicle before him.

"Wanna give it a test drive to my dads house?"

"Hell yes!" Yoongi got out of the passengers side with his coffee and moved so that he was standing next to Jin whilst George stoke his seat.

Taehyung and Jimin slid into the back whilst Jungkook got into the drivers side. The car roared to life earning gasps of amazement. Jungkook carefully backed out of the drive making sure to not put the brand new car in any jeopardy.

Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon were following closely behind whilst George called his step mother.

"Where are you right now?" He asked as soon as she picked up.

"Hello to you too Georgie," she chuckled. "We're home in the garden just having a sunbathe, why?"

"Is this on speaker?"

"Not anymore, what's wrong? Is everything okay? You're not hurt are you? Oh my-"

"Mum stop panicking, I'm fine. I have a surprise for dad and I need you to keep him from looking out of the window or going into the garage, can you do that?"

Slightly confused and more heart warmed that he addressed her as 'mum', she nodded her head with the widest smile.

"I can do just that! We're looking forward to seeing you."

"I can't wait to see you either, I gotta go. Love you, bye." Before she could respond, he ended the call and shoved the phone in his pocket.

He was both nervous and excited. Small doubts ate away at him but Jungkook simply leaned over and tapped his knee assuringly.

"He'll love it."

Soon enough, the two cars were pulling up at George's childhood home. George got out of the car and headed to the garage, pressing in the code to open it up. Jungkook smoothly parked the brand new car and stepped out, handing the key to George.

The group of now eight made their way into the home and headed out into the back garden where George's family was. His siblings screamed out excitedly and ran to greet him and the boys.

Taehyung lifted Aera off of the ground and held her tightly, pressing a kiss to her cheeks whilst the twins ran to Jungkook after greeting the others.

Areum was sitting on the grass looking confused when a wide smile spread across her face when she spotted her eldest brother. George pulled away from his dad and ran towards her, lifting her up into his arms.

"What do we owe the surprise of seeing you lovely boys?" Asked George's dad.

"Well, I have something I need to show you. Follow me." George's dad frowned but did as told and followed his son the garage door. George places his hand on the handle and smiled. "I've got a new something and I want your opinion."

George pushed the door open causing a gasp from both his father and step mum. His dad was amazed, his dream car was sitting right before him. George smirked at his father's reaction.

"You like it?"

"Oh George, it's gorgeous."

"Glad you like your new car." His dad almost choked on air. His step mum was tearing up whilst his dad stared at the car deadly silent.

When he turned around, his eyes were filled to the brim with tears. He shook his head which made George start crying.

"I am so incredibly grateful for everything you have done for me dad and I wanted to pay you back in someway. So, I bought you your new car."

Tears ran down everyone's faces at the father and son moment. His dad was too speechless to speak so, George pulled him into a hug and held onto him tightly.

"You didn't. I-I can't tak-take this off you. It's so expensive George."

"You deserve it. I have a car I love and I bought this one specifically for you." His dad cried harder into George's shoulder.

George pulled away and placed the keys in his hands. "You are now the proud owner of a Jaguar."

The group erupted into cheers whilst his dad pulled George back into another hug. Soon enough, the entire group was engulfed in a group hug, all still cheering.

"I love you so much Dad."

Through his tears, his dad kissed his head and smiled softly. "I love you more George but I think I need a beer to get me over the shock."

I legit have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to cars 😂

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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