▹ Mood swings.

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George's moods had been switching quicker than usual. He can go from being extremely hyper and high on oxygen to the mature Hyung scolding his members to the angry and depressed grandpa that just wants to go home in the space of literally 5 minutes. They were in America after kicking off their world tour and since landing, he had been having major mood swings. The boys shrugged off his behaviour due to the fact that this is how he got when he was jetlagged and a little on edge due to the unfamiliar area. Of course, he had been to America many times but he was still not used to the change.

Walking through the airport, George had a face on him. Surrounded by security, he felt himself beginning to get overwhelmed with the tight space prompting him to reach out and latch onto the back of Jin's shirt. The older boy turned, alarmed but he quickly relaxed when he saw the panic in George's eyes. Unclenching George's fist from his shirt, he replaced the material with his own hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. The two manoeuvred their way through the airport, security rushing them every now and then until they finally got to the car. Jin stood back and ushered George in before him, before sliding in beside him.

It was almost like someone had flipped a switch in George because he had a bright smile on his face whilst talking with Namjoon. Jin's eyebrows quirked in shock, it was such a change from how George was feeling not even two minutes prior. Jin decided to just shrug it off, remembering that he did get like that when he was tired and jetlagged. George seemed fine for around 5 minutes when he suddenly began fidgeting which obviously caught the attention of Jin.

"What's wrong?" The tired older boy asked, peering down at a very frowny George.

"That water bottle is looking at me the wrong way." Jin couldn't hold his laugh, making George turn to look at him but it only made Jin laugh harder. "I swear, if you don't shut up I will wrap it around your neck."

Jin continued to laugh. "And you wonder why I always make a big deal when you hold a knife, making threats like that."

For the rest of the ride to the hotel, Jin continued to bug George by getting up close and doing aegyo. George pushed him away numerous times, but he was like a boomerang that always came back. Eventually, the younger boy gave up and settled for tightening the straps of his hoodie so that it basically swallowed him as he slumped in his seat. Namjoon was filming it for Twitter and George whined multiple times.

When the car finally pulled up at the hotel, George practically jumped through the sunroof to get out. The boys giggled at his eagerness as he finally broke free of the car and ran straight for Bang PD, arms wrapping around him as he glared at Jin. "It was awful. He was torturing me! TORTURING! Doing aegyo and pokin' me every two seconds. I almost killed him. I did, I almost killed!"

George Lee was one dramatic little shit.

Jin's laughter cut through the air and stabbing George's ears making his eye twitch as he turned to look at his Hyung who blew him a kiss. George's anger faded and he dropped his arms to his side and stood up straight. The boys, the staff and even some people just passing by watched him waiting for him to explode.

But he never did.

Instead, he flicked his hair, took a deep breath and marched inside the hotel leaving everybody else behind. Jungkook and Jimin shared a smirk before bolting after him, ready to go drive their Hyung even further over the edge.


This made no sense, but it's fine. When have I ever made sense? You're right, I don't.

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