▹ Appreciating George

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One thing about Min Yoongi is that he's a stubborn little shit that won't admit when he needs help because most of the time, he doesn't want to burden his members with anything despite the amount of times they have told him that they will always happily help him.

So, when he started to feel a little under the weather he didn't mention it nor did he rest like he was supposed to. Nope, he went and locked himself in his studio and carried on with the work that needed to be done even though he felt like he was on the verge of passing out.

George hadn't seen him eat anything that morning nor had he taken anything to the studio and being the unbothered member he is, waltzed right into Yoongi's studio with a lunch he had made for him.

Yoongi had banned George from his studio due to the amount of the times the male had sat annoying him whilst he was trying to work — he also almost broke Yoongi's computer but we don't talk about that it's a sensitive subject.

Anyway, though he was banned George had never followed the rules his members set and still went in to bother Yoongi.

"Min Suga, I have brought you your lunch and before you—oh my, are you dead?"

Yoongi was hunched over his desk completely passed out. George narrowed his eyes and set the lunch down before carefully making his way towards the older male.

George's usual attitude was drained and replaced by a pool of concern. He was used to Yoongi sleeping but he had been acting a little off lately.

"Yah, Hyung wake up." George shook him tenderly, not too harsh but enough to wake him up.

Yoongi sat up and groaned as the pain in his head got worse. As he raised his head, he felt a wave of nausea hit him and immediately jumped up to empty his stomach out into the bin behind him.

Once he was done, he headed back to his chair but was a little wobbly so George assisted him.

"Uh what are you doing here?" He tried to act casual, but George knew he was struggling.

"Well I was here to deliver you the packed lunch I made you because I haven't seen you eat or take one, but now I'm here to assist you home. Let's go."

Yoongi only liked the concerned side of George when it was directed at other people. It was nice knowing that George cared, but the boy was just as stubborn and Yoongi knew that the only person that he could lose an argument to is George.

He has never cared about being snapped at or yelled at, George would always take the hostility and then still carry on with the fight, he won't give up until Yoongi is home in bed no matter how much Yoongi yells at him.

"I need to finish-"

"No, what you need is to be in your warm bed with some food in your stomach, resting and sweating out this illness."

Why couldn't George just be a child all the time? It was times like these when Yoongi appreciated George's hyperactive behaviour because he preferred that over the stern one that has taken over.

Feeling far too unwell to argue further, Yoongi saved his work and logged out of his computer. George shrugged off his hoodie and handed it to him earning a confused look from the older male.

"It's cold outside and you're only wearing a shirt."

Muttering a thank you, the two left the studio.

George practically carried Yoongi all the way back to his bed and made sure to tuck him in.

"I'm going to make you some soup, try and get a little bit of sleep until it's done. I'll also get you some water, you need to stay hydrated since you've thrown up everything in your stomach."

Yoongi nodded and watched George with a fond smile as he left the room. The boy annoyed him like mad, but he couldn't deny that he was the best brother whenever he needed one.

"Hoseok! Will you please go take a water up to Yoongi for me whilst I start on the soup?"

"Sure!" Hoseok chirped and pushed himself up off of the sofa. He followed George into the kitchen and grabbed one of the water bottles out the fridge. "You're a real parent at times, George."

"What's that mean?" Questioned George as he prepared the soup.

"I don't know, you're just really good at looking after us, I hope you know how much we appreciate you." Hoseok left with a pat on George's shoulder, leaving him stood there with a smile.

It's always nice to feel appreciated.

George cooked the meal and hummed along to his playlist that he had put on shuffle to keep him entertained in the meantime.

"Okay so the kitchen isn't on fire yet, good start," Jin's voice sounded from the doorway causing George to turn around and smile.

"I'm a great chef, i'd never burn down my kitchen."

That was a lie, he almost burned the dorm down when he was 20 because he got distracted by a Ninja Turtles video.

Jin ruffled his hair and decided to help him out with the cooking. Finally, it was done and George left the kitchen with a bowl of steaming hot soup for Min Yoongi.

He kicked the door open to find Yoongi sat up in bed, a wet towel over his forehead.

"Be careful, it's hot," George warned and   set the bowl down in Yoongi's lap. "If you need anything else just give me a shout or a text and I'll be right in."

Yoongi nodded and looked down at his soup. George smiled, relieved to see him finally eating something. He was about to head out of the room when a hand caught his wrist.

"I don't tell you enough but I appreciate everything you do for me...for us all. I'm lucky to have you as a brother, George."

"Mawwwwww you love me," George spoke through his wife excited smile.

Yoongi rolled his eyes playfully. "I guess I kind of do but if you say I said that then I will kill you in your sleep."

"At least I'll die knowing that Min Yoongi loves me!" George called out as he left the room.

Yoongi shook his head, a fond smile on his lips. "What would I do without him?"

I was going to write this later after I woke up but i ended up writing it now and I just want to publish it, so here you go! A cute Yoongi and George chapter.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💚

- Blue x

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