Chapter One - Reunion

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Through history there have been many like me born. I am not a new revelation nor will I be the last. But while so many of us are apart we do have one wish, one wish above all. To be accepted. Not just by those who created us, but by others and society as a whole. My mother, God rest her soul was not born free as I was, but she was given freedom and with that freedom she gave me her life. That aspect has always haunted me. It was one of many issues that have haunted me.

I was among the small group that had been born the daughter of a white man, but in my case of parentage, my father had fallen in love with my mother and nothing about how I came to be was out of force. Though it can't be said for many others given in which the time we live in. Even though I am proud of where I came from the proudness of love and strong willed parents who loved each other despite the fact society said they shouldn't because of the difference in skin. Not many accepted me, despite the fact that my father was proud to call me daughter and have me return with him to Cornwall to be with my older sister Elizabeth. She was only two years older than me when I was born and despite the fact that my stepmother Joan despised me, Elizabeth was always encouraged to ignore that about her mother and treat me as the sister I was.

But it wasn't just family I had to deal with, due to my parentage, society I grew up in me gave upon silent judgement. Though being from a high class family they were forced into silence and judge and belittle me with their gaze. I lived comfortably for a good portion of my life , that was till my father passed and with my fathers passing life became a lot crueller in the hands of my step mother.

Joan Chynoweth made some bad financial choices with the money she was left by my father and it wasn't long before were were falling from everything we had known to be almost poor, what she was willing to do was ridiculous and hurtful to my sister. There was arguments and some violence before i was banished/ I left from the home i was once raised in.

A part of me was grateful to be out from the clutches of my step mother, but now without a father or a home to support me. I had to do it myself, which was easier said than done. Now having no protection the world was only to happy to relish in their years of cruelty more obviously and verbal now.

There was one light in this, a friend who cared not from where I came. Demelza Carne, she too had escaped something hellish and in turn we looked out for each other. Through hard work, I had managed to secure a job, lord knows how but I thanked the heavens above despite the fact it was at a tavern where it was ripe for cruelty, I had a room with a bed and a hearth to share.

I was working at the bar when Demelza came running in, in her usual attire of what she had of her older brothers clothing.

"Abigail, they've taken him, they've taken Garrick, they've stole him." she was ranting. I huffed and stormed out, men had been starting dog fights all around town and when they were short, they would lift one from a distracted owner. Now Garrick our fury friend had been taken as a victim to this barbaric game. I saw the crowd of people and shoved my way through.

"move out of the way you barbarians!" I yelled making my way to the centre "How dare you make poor innocent animals fight! Have you thieves no shame?" I took the rope that held onto Garrick and men came forward to fight me off. But In the few years I had been away from my family, I had adapted fast, I blocked one fist that came my way and then threw on in return. I wasn't as practiced so even though I started off well I was then hit and dropped to the ground.

"Enough!" someone shouted as I struggled to lift myself up off the ground "If you take my advice, you'll run." I heard

"Or else?" a reply came and there was a loud thwack and cries of shock.

"Did they hurt you, my lady." I shoved the man off me

"Hands off me mister." i looked back and saw a face I recognised. A face from the dead "Ross." I breathed

"Abigail!" Demelza dropped to my side as I looked to her "You're hurt."

"I'm fine. I've seen worse." she helped me up and I leant my weight on her as she helped me back inside the Red Lion. I was sat down in the corner and food was brought over by Jack the filthy owner.

"How did you get here Abigail?" Ross questioned sitting down across from me "Last I saw you..."

"I was trapped in a world with strict rules and judgment for my parentage. Yeah, you have been gone a long time, Ross Poldark." I moved some of the food over to Demelza and she took it in ernest. I grabbed the pale of ale and drank as if my life depended on it. He looked past me.

"I just came to see if the girl...." I looked back hearing my sister voice "Abigail? You're alive?" I stood up and wiped my mouth

"No thanks to your mother, sister." I glance at Ross then back at Elizabeth "I should be getting back to work. Demelza, stay out of sight. The last thing we need is someone reporting back to your father." she nodded and I went to make my way past my sister.

"You're hurt." I shrug her off and carry on. I was there to see Elizabeth leave with Francis and then George Warleggan enter.

"Befriending the rabble, Ross? One would never guess you were a Gentleman." George commented as Ross was talking with Demelza.

"Same could be said for you, George. Take your drink and beat it." I slide it over and he gives me a tight smile

"Charming as ever Abigail."

"Only to the low life like you." George walked away and I turned back to the two at the table. Ross stood up and came over to me.

"Come on, I'm, taking you back home." he tells me

"Not a chance, I barely escaped with my life thanks to that harpy of a step mother. Demelza upstairs with you." she ran off and I went back to what I was doing. "There is nothing left for me there, at least here they may want to trod on me but I get paid and fed for the trouble."

"How do you know the child?" Ross questions

"Kindred spirits, in a way, though we have had the brunt of cruelty in different ways. Now can I get you a drink, cause if not then I have more perverted souls to serve." I gave a tight smile.

"I'm in need of a kitchen maid and a companion at Nampara." he told me as I busied myself around the bar area refilling the pitchers.

"Good for you." I then grabbed a pitcher and went to top up men's drinks

"You could come back with me after I take your friend home." I stopped dead and spun on my heal.

"Demelza returns to her father over my dead body. Ross Poldark. No one is getting their hands on her of pain of I chop them off with the axe from the back." Ross held up his hands

"Then she can come with us."

"I never agreed to such an arrangement." one of the customers slapped my ass and I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

"Because staying here is the better of the two. Abigail, your father would not want you here with the men night after night, always in danger." he stressed

"Yeah well he's to dead to care isn't he? Besides I have Demelza and Garrick." I look down at the dog "Where I go, they go." i shrugs heading down into the basement to watch more ale

"Then so be it."

"Why are you so determined to help me? You think it will make Elizabeth happy? What now that's married off to your rich cousin giving into the harpy, it would make you closer to her?" I huff, why couldn't i be left well enough alone. I wasn't causing trouble all that much. I was on my own two feet "

"Not that at all. I have know you forever, Abigail and I do not wish to see you in these circumstances." he protested

"If I say yes will you stop bothering me....Sir?" he winced when i called hm sir.

"Yes. come on."

"I will retrieve Demelza." I made my way up and passed the bar doing so. Demelza was staring out of the window "Demelza, we're leaving."

"To where."

"Nampara, where we'll both work for an old acquaintance of mine. It will be hard work, the place is in ruins but, you'll be miles away from that retched father of yours and with Garrick and myself." I informed her which made her beam with happiness.

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