Chapter Eight - Jim's problems

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It was my turn to tend to the field today, as Demelza had done it the last time. As I was doing so. Jinny arrived, from the look on her face I knew something was wrong.

"Jinny? Is everything okay?" I question

"I fear it is not." We sat down and she explained

"Jim's a good man. And it's good that he should want to provide for his family, but not with poaching. It's to dangerous. Could you maybe ask Captain Ross to talk to him, to stop." I put my hand on her shoulder

"Of course Jinny. You leave it with me. Okay, you must rest up for the babe being born." she gave me a grateful smile. She left  I finished up and went back inside.

"Ross. Ross are you here? I need to speak with you." I looked around, but I couldn't find him. Jud was snoring in the corner of the kitchen however. I walked through the study my fingers tracing over the still messy room. There was  a chest in the corner. I opened it and found dresses. This must have belonged to his mother. I pulled out a blue down and held it against me. It had been a while since I held such finery. A part of me missed it.

"Abigail!" Ross called and I quickly put the dress away

"Coming!." I call rushing out of the room closing the door behind me.


Come supper time, Demelza and I had finished. She carried in some of the meal and left me to serve, Ross who was looking over some papers.

"How much longer do you think before we eat?" I place  the bowl and then the pot on the table. "And perhaps if there is some bread." I placed that down going to get the ale

"And some ale." it was already  on the table. "Have you eaten?" he questioned as I was about to leave him too it.

"Not yet." I answer

"Come, now." he gestured for me to sit down. I did so and he passed me the bowl that I had prepared before making himself another bowl.

"You finished the lower field." he wondered

"Yes,  and I'll be starting on the meadow tomorrow." I answer having some of the broth. It was nice and soothing, I felt myself relax after the hard days work.

"You get through more in a day than Prudie in a month." he commented making me chuckle 

"Well Demelza and I take it in turns, when one pauses the other continues. Or we take a turn by the day. We're young and strong." I add filling myself up with food.

"And not bone idle" he continued "I heard Jinny was over today. How is she?" he questioned. I paused before answering.

"Not good. Jim is poaching again. It puts to much stress on her and the babe." I swirl the broth around "I was hoping you could speak with him." he nodded in agreement and he took a swig of his ale.

"I can do better than that. I have a better job. Assistant purser of the mine." he replied

"Oh, that is marvellous. Jinny will be thrilled." I beamed scratching my forehead and continued to eat. once I had finished I thought of something.

"Speaking of food. I must make sure, Demelza eat's please excuse me." I stood and took the broth out making her up an bowl.

"Here have this, you need it." I placed it down in front of her she began to eat in ernest, her belly was a bottomless pit for food, which having her upbringing was not surprising

"Thank ye, Abigail." she mumbled  gratefully . Once I had cleaned up, I went to grab the brandy, knowing Ross would be asking for some.

"Abigail, do we have any of that...." I cut him off entering

"Brandy sir? Last of that hid in the cupboard from France?"  I put it down and poured out a glass. Ross Poldark had become a creature of habit since returning home. He was;t that hard to figure out.

"Exactly so."

"Anything else?" I wonder resting my hands on my waist waiting for an answer. He glanced up at me after looking at the bottle that I had placed in front of him.

"If you can avoid the inference that I'm utterly predictable. It would be much appreciated." I giggle and scratched the corner of my nose.

"I will try sir. I will be off to bed now. Demelza is still up should you be needing anything else." I informed him.

"Of course. Goodnight Abigail." I curtsy

"Goodnight, sir." I smile and leave for sleep. The next day I was up early where there was furious knocking on the door. I opened it to see a sobbing Jinny. I brought her into my embrace.

"Come in, Demelza will take care of you." she nodded and I ran to wake Ross. he opened his door.

"It's Jim he's never came home last night from poaching." I breathe heavily. "Jinny says she heard he was arrested

"Ready my horse." I nod and run back down and out. I finish saddling up when Ross came storming out.

"I shouldn't have waited. I should have made him the offer last night." he stressed as he joined me just as I was pulling his horse out ready to take his rider to his destination.

"Will you visit Sir Hugh?" i asked about the man who was well known for his frequent hunts and ripe place for poachers such as Jim, Ross he mounted

"Yes." he answered and  I stepped back, he rode off, to try and fix the problem. I hoped with all my heart that he could. Jim and Jinny especially didn't deserve this.

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