Chapter Thirty Five - Recover

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Ross clutched onto a still fighting Abigail, when Dwight re entered the bedroom looking broken. Ross noticed this and in his gut he knew why he looked that way. Jonathan had gotten worse. He ran downstairs and picked up his eldest son.

"Forgive me. I cannot save him." Dwight's voice broke

"I will stay with him. He will not be alone. My son will not be alone." Ross denied then looked up at his friend "Will you check on Henry." Dwight nodded and went to the study where Demelza loyally watched over the youngest.

"What going on?" she asked seeing his look "Is it Abigail?"

"She is still fighting." he replied and the red head looked down at Henry.

"So it's Jonathan. Oh my..." she covered her mouth as tears began to usher. Dwight checked both of them over and still the two remained asymptomatic. Within the hour The house lost the eldest twin to the sickness. Ross laid him to rest on the bed in their room and sat back with his wife who was mumbling inherently as he held onto the keep sake she had made.

Word had gotten out of Jonathan's death. With Abigail still to sick to know what was going on let alone attend. Ross carried the small coffin holding his son. Dwight held onto a crying Henry as Demelza stayed back to watch over her friend. When they reached the graveyard, all of Ross's friend and even Francis was  there to support him in his loss.


After coming back from the funeral. Ross took once more to his wife's bedside lovingly holding her hand. Dwight entered concerned for his friend

"You should try to rest." he stated

"I should have provided for them." Ross voiced

"Who?" Dwight wondered

"It's custom after the burial. This winters been savage, the least I could have done was fed and watered them." Ross answered

"Who would expect it? They know of Abigail's illness ." Dwight rebuffed

"Everything I touch is cursed. So many came." Ross thought still in a daze with everything that had happened. He had lost one of his sons and his wife had yet to improve. On top of that he could not afford tradition.


"So many"

"They care for you. For the both of you." Dwight insisted

"I should have provided for them." Dwight came and sat on the bed and checked Abigails Fever.

"There's no change. For better or for worse you should take some air. And then sleep, Demelza will continue to watch over Henry and I'm not leaving anytime soon." He headed back downstairs and in to the kitchen. Henry sat on the a blanket now blissfully unaware of what had happened and what was going on. Demelza was making some broth for the others.

Ross did go on a walk like suggested and what he saw was the Queen Charlotte. The Warleggens ship in distress. An idea struck him, it wasn't the best idea but he didn't care. He knew the ship was moments away from crashing and when things came ashore it would be a happy thing indeed. He returned for his horse and a brief word to Dwight before riding off to gather help.

The Queen Charlotte was now a wreckage and the group Ross had gathered began to collect what came ashore. During which the Warleggens got word of what happened and that it was heading for Poldark Land. Though Abigails fever had yet to break this moment of light and respite


Dwight and Demelza who had just put Henry to sleep in the next room sat beside Abigail and she laid there still but alive.

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