Chapter Twenty Six - The morning Light

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We arrived home and I dropped my hood as Jud stepped out grumpy as ever to greet us. He wiped his nose with his coat and grumbled out what he wanted to tell us.

"Ole, tripe for brains be within." he told us

"Who?" Ross questions

"Mark Daniel, mopping and moaning fit to make your lugs bleed." he returned to the kitchen and I took Ross' arm making him look back at me.

"There's talk of Karen and Dwight." i warned him

"Is there any truth in it?" he asked as I removed my cloak . I shrugged

"Couldn't say."

"Is there anything else you can't say. About Verity and Blamey?" he wondered making me sigh

"Not now, Ross I'm to spent for such a conversation." I made my way into the study and sat at the desk as Ross went to talk to Mark. I took out the note and opened it.

Mistress Abigail

Since you brought Verity and me together, I must turn to you for further help. Francis is impossible. There can never be a reconciliation. Therefore Verity must choose between us. I close it back up, the door opened

"I've made  your room and the children are awake." Demelza stated

"Thank you." I stood and made my way over to her "Could you keep this safe till I know what to do with it." I handed her the note

"Of course." she slipped it into her pocket. I smiled a little and went to see the children before I took some rest



After some much needed rest and a few days later a group of us gathered to mourn and visit the grave of Jim. Little Katies screams was the only think heard as she cried in her mothers arms.

"I wish Jim could have seen his child grow up." Ross commented

"You did all you could." I assure

"I wonder."

"Ross, you cannot fight everyone in the world, no man can. You can only make your small world a fairer place." I went and laid my flowers before rejoining my husband. Everyone began to disperse "Do you think anything will come of what transpired?"

"It may or may not."

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