Chapter Thirty Three - Illness

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I was feeding Jonathan and Henry when Jinny burst into the kitchen, out of breath and clearly with some news to share with me.

"Have you heard the news from Trenwith?" she asked and I looked up to her properly

"Tell me."

"Everyone in the house is ill, even the servants." she told me

"All of them and no one to tend them?" I inquired shocked, how was I not notified sooner, my sister was there.

"And Doctor Choake called away to Truro and not back till morning." she added. I shook my head in disbelief

"Demelza!" I call and she came in "Will you look after the boys. If I'm not back my nightfall boil the boys milk and put them to bed." I tell her

"Okay." she agreed I packed a basket full of food and herbs, simple medicinals that Dwight told me were helpful. Grabbing my coat I left and decided to walk there. It took a little longer but I soon arrived and knocked on the door. I waited and there was no answer. I tried again but the doors lulled open and I steeped into what felt like a ghost house.

The placed was deathly quiet and it was clear that it hadn't been tended to in days.

"Verity? Is that you?" I heard Aunt Agatha.

"No Aunt Agatha. It's me Abigail." I replied  as she held onto the banister on the second floor

"Ross' bud."

"I came to inquire after my sister and nephew. And you of course." I explain my reason for being there.

"They're all sick. Every last jack of them. And whose to care for them, with Verity gone. She'd no business to go, her duty's here." Agatha grumbled  "Twas a selfish, cruel thing she did, to leave us like that." I heard coughing coming from one of the rooms. I joined Agatha upstairs and found Elizabeth and Francis sick. Elizabeth had enough strength to be sat up in a chair when I entered .

"Sister?" she questioned

"I came here to help." I told her  setting my things down

"That's very kind of you." she looked back at Geffory Charles who was in his cot "I'm in despair. My poor little boy. He has these spasm, then he voids and theres relief , but only for a time then it begins again."

"Elizabeth, you're sick yourself, you need to be in bed." I crouch beside her

"I will stay with him. I will stay and take care of you all." I promise taking her hand . She burst into tears and helped her into bed. Then i tied my hair up and got to work. I brought more wood for the fire and fresh word jugs and cups. I set about boiling some willow back to help ease the severity of the fever with some lemon and honey. Then I attempted to cool Geffory Charles  but dabbing his head with cold water.

"If the servants hadn't been so ill" Elizabeth caught my attention "But Dr Choake said half the village is down."

"Shh, you need to sleep." I told her then I heard Francis wheezing

"Who is it?" he questioned half asleep with fever. Elizabeths head lolled over as she went to answer.

"Abigail. She has come to help us."

"It is good of her to overlook past quarrels" I held my tongue and did not remarks on what he said. I simply stood and made up the tea that was now cool

"Drink this It will help soothe you." I tell him lifting his head up "It's still a little hot, so be careful." he took some of the drink and hummed. I laid his head back softly.

"Will he die?" Francis asked me

"Not if I have anything to do with it. None of you will." I gave him some more and sat with them through the night and most of the next day, till finally  each of their fevers broke. I helped the two sit up in bed.

"I must be getting home." I tell them "I believe Geffory Charles is over the worst of it but like all three of you make sure you drink as much as possible, even if you bring it back up." I move around  making everything easy for them to get to.

"I've boiled some more water, mix it with lemon and honey when cooled. And in a day open the windows for fresh air. I have also looked in on Agatha and the other servants. Some of them are getting worse others I'm sure will recover." I tell them

"Thank you, Abigail." Elizabeth gave a weak smile which I returned

"I will check back when I can." I left and made my way home.  On the journey back I heard a horse approaching and turned. It was Ross returning. He came to a halt seeing me.

"You shouldn't be out here alone at Dusk. Poverty breeds desperate men." he shifted back on his saddle and offered me his hand which I took. and was pulled up to sit in front of him.

"You have news." I wonder as we continue on our way home.

"It'll keep."

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