Chapter Two - Nampara

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It was a long way to Nampara, my friend insisted on walking beside us with Garrick in tow, while I rode with Ross on horseback. I noticed two familiar figures from the past. Jud and Prudie Mr Poldarks trusted friends and housekeepers.

"Who we have here?" It was Prudie, it had been many years since I saw her last. Ross dismounted first the turned to me as he answered

"You remember Abigail Chynoweth and this is Demelza." I held onto Ross' arms as he helped me down and i landed with a small thud.

"Mistress Abigail?" Jud questioned

"Mistress no more." I commented joining Demelza's side with Garrick.

"They are to help in the kitchen and on the land." Ross informed them walking inside and ahead of us , the two of us looked at each other for a moment.

"Picking up brats and strays will bring you no end of trouble." Jud commented

"See to the horse" Ross told him moving past him. I took Demelza's hand and we followed.

"They'd be seething with crawlers." Prudie added and I scowled at her, time had not been kind and I felt as if we'd been a fight to have a place here. Her implication that this was all our idea did not go unnoticed by myself.

"Not if I give her the same treatment as you." I look at Demelza, the cold wash treatment it was. I stepped up first to be cleaned.

"If the two of you are to work with me, you must be clean. No lice." he huffed piping the water onto my head.

"Ain't no vittles for them" Prudie informed Ross as he continued to give me a wash

"Find some"

"Scarce feed ourselves, how you gonna feed two other, besides." I stumbled back flicking my hair back the water hitting Prudie at the same time. I smirked as she wiped her face. Then I turned to Ross.

"They're gone, okay. No need to give me the cold of death. I will do Demelza." Ross nodded and I brought her over.


I made my way slowly around the kitchen soaking in everything that it had used to be when i visited the few times i was a little girl. The Poldarks and the Chynoweths had been long friends and allies, should the occasion had ever called for it.

"What she be smirking at?" Prudie questioned and I turned to the three of them. Demelza stood looking around.

"Blathering blasted brat!" Jud added

"How old she be?" Prudie questioned as I made my way over to the younger girl, with the intention of sticking up for her, as I had done on most occasions since the two of us had met.

"Old enough to know her own mind." Demelza fought back, making me smile in proudness of her.

"Not to big to feel the back of my hand." Jus threatened

"Lay a finger on her you lazy toadstool and you'll be getting a beating instead of lashing one out." I retorted pointing at him with a frown.

"We don't need no help, we've managed fine till now." Purdue stated and I looked around

"Have you? It looks like to me that with no master, you let this place fall into ruin and now you need to play catch up to feed yourself. No wonder from once you helped raise now feels the need to boot you into work." I snap back.

"Prudie? When did this letter come?" We heard Ross from outside

"Just now sir, from your Uncle Charles!" Prudie called back answering, when it had actually been five minute since a messenger came to drop something off. We continued to have a stand off.


"Abigail!" Ross bellowed from his office. I looked at Demelza who had just returned and sighed before standing up and walking in.

"You bellowed, sir?" I question upon entering. he gestured for me to sit down, which I did.

"Read this." he slid over some parchment and I gave him a wary look before picking it up and reading the words. It was from his Uncle Charles, giving him money so that he would leave and start somewhere else. For the first time in a long while, I laughed.

"You find it amusing?" he wondered

"Oh i do, very much. What is it with people like my step mother and your Uncle that they think money is everything. Throw some notes and us less inclined than them will do their bidding." I thew the letter back on the table.

"Your opinion as to what I should do?"

"I am your kitchen maid, what does my words matter?" i leant back in my chair

"you are more of a companion than a kitchen maid. We are the same." Ross replied sitting back in his chair waiting for my answer.

"Are we?" I questioned and he nodded. I hummed and thought about it. " They way I see it, is that you may have little to nothing to your name but you still have respect. You still had a home to return to when you lost your father, unlike some people"

"What happened after I left?" He wondered

"My wretched step mother and a sister with no father to guide her in sympathy or bravery to help her little sister. What I have now may not be much, but it is earned. A friend. You wish for my opinion, earn these notes not take them. Earn back what you lost it will make you more richer than them." I stood and left.

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