Chapter Thirty - A dangerous night

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The door to the kitchen slowly opened and in stepped Dr Enys. He jumped at the sight of me and held up his hands up in shock and none threatening way.

"Lord, you gave us a fright." I lowered the weapon

"Forgive me. I didn't mean..." he trailed off closing the door behind him "Ross cautioned me to leave." he stated and I nodded

"For your own safety." I added knowing of the conversation between the two ever since what transpired between him and Karen that eventually lead to her death.

"I cannot contemplate such a thing . But I'm sick of my own company tonight. May I avail myself of Ross'." he hoped

"He isn't here." i looked towards Demelza "and I don't think he would want you here either." I add not meaning to come out as harsh as it did. Tonight was not the night for impulses, these were dangerous times.

"have I forfeited his good option or his trust?" Dwight inquired

"No, it's not that. It's just he had business here tonight and maybe visitors." There was a knock at the door. my head snapped towards the sound

"I will go..."

"no, no. it maybe soldiers. I will deal with it." I removed my apron and answered the door. There stood Mark and Paul.

"There are soldiers everywhere. I didn't know where else to come." Paul huffed heavily. I nodded and opened the door

"In quickly." the stepped through and I to see anything amiss before closing the door. I lead them to the study.

"Ross is down at the cove. You can wait here till he returns with the all clear." The door to the kitchen opened and Dwight came out. I looked between the two.

"Paul take your brother inside. Dwight, go back into the kitchen." I tell them not wanting anything to happen, I had left the bayonet in the kitchen and I wasn't completely skilled in hand to hand combat even though I could throw a good punch.

"Tis a trap. Tis a bloody trap." Mark stated

"Watch your tongue. I will have no accusation or fighting in my home." I warn them and saw Demelza peeking out. "Dwight, go back into the kitchen, please."

"You bloody bastard." Mark grumbled

"You should have come for me. not broken a girl who couldn't defend herself." he called Mark out on his actions

"I'll break you soon enough." Mark went at him but was met with my fist and he dropped to the ground in pain.

"Ah, shit." I groaned cradling my hand. Mark held his nose as I glared at him. "I told you no fighting in my home, my children are sleeping upstairs. Now you get into that room and keep quite, unless you want the soldiers descending upon us. This is finished no one here can betray each other without the noose taking everyones neck. in that room now!" I order. Paul lifts his brother up and pulls him into the study closing the door behind him.

"Abigail." Demelza came to my side and guided meet sit down on the steps

"i'm fine it's probably just bruised" I sit

"Here let me." Dwight offered

"Kitchen" I pointed with a scowl he stopped mid step.

"It's fine Dr Enys I will take care of her." Demelza assured. Dwight nodded and left. "I'm taking you upstairs. I will grab something for your hand, then wait on the stairs till Master Ross comes home." we headed up and I sat looking out of the window.

-3rd Person-

Demelza sat with on the stairs holding the bayonet when the door opened and Ross entered. She stood up on his return.

"Demelza? Why do you have my bayonet? Where's Abigail?" he questioned

"It all be happening here tonight, Sir." she began "Dr Enys is in the kitchen. He came for your company and refused to leave. Then Paul and Mark Daniel came here to hide out because there are soldiers everywhere. Mistress Abigail went to put them in the study when Dr Enys came out. Harsh words were exchanged and warnings by the mistress. But mr Daniel went for Dr Enys only to be punched in the face by Mistress. Now everyones in separate rooms and I'm here making sure no paths cross until your return." Demelza ranted

"And the bayonet?" Ross questioned

"Mistress Abigail thought danger was about and wished to be prepared. I don't know how to use it but I though the threat of it would scare them straight, so I wouldn't have to." Ross nodded

"Your loyalty to your friend is something to be admired. Stay with Abigail while I deal with this." Demelza nodded handing the bayonet over and going upstairs.


Demelza joined me at the window and I saw Dwight leave then a while later Ross leave with Paul and Mark. I paced back and forth for what seemed like forever, occasionally looking out of the window

"All will be alright, Abigail. You'll see." The door bust open and Ross came in.

"Can you see anything?" Ross questioned

"Lights in the distance, heading this way, sir." Demelza stated as he removed his jacket.

"Help me with the boots quick!" he sat down

"Demelza help him." She nodded and I kept a look out the likes where obviously soldiers

"Abigail change into your robe." Ross told me and i moved away to do so.

"Sir, your hand." Demelza pointed out.

"It must have happened when I hit the soldier." he glanced down at it "Demelza hide the clothes away. Hurry!" She ran off into another room taking them with her. There was knock at the door. I jumped

"Easy now love." Demelza came in

"Let them knock them knock again before you make light and answer the door." he told my friend who nodded and left the room. Ross loosened his breeches and looked out of the window then messed himself up. There was another knock.

"Oh Damn it." he opened the window and stuck his head out "This is a fine time to call!" he called down. Then I heard Demelza open the door letting the Captain in, followed by Ross going down. I waited but then one of the boys started to cry and I went to tend upon them. Henry sobbed in my arms as I came downstairs.

"What going on? Oh Captain." I breathed

"Apologises. Mistress Abigail for disturbing the babe at this late hour." he bowed his head.

"Sweetheart, return upstairs. I will be with you shortly." I nodded and did so, with Demelza following behind me to help with Jonathan.


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