Chapter Three - Mr Carne vs Mr Poldark

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The next morning I wasted no time getting to work. I did more than Prudie or Jud could be bothered to do. Demelza was still settling in when she came running in.

"They've found me, they've found us." she breathed and I stopped what I was doing. "My father and men from my town, they're coming up, now." Purdue came inside

"You need to hide." I dropped the broom "Prudie, she needs to hide, right now." she scowled at us. the opened a cupboard.

"Get in." Demelza did as she was told and huddled herself into the cupboard.

"What about you, surely they know you've been helping me, they'll want to hurt you too." Demelza was worried

"Get in girl." before I could say anything I was shoved into the cramped cupboard as well and the doors shut behind me. All we heard was shouting and movement. Demelza's father was planning to search the house not just for his daughter but 'the slut who's helped her like the snake from the bible.' Demelza and I held onto each others hands. It then when quiet as we sat across from each other.

"What can I do for you?" We heard Ross' return there was deep chuckles

"What can ye do? When ye and that whore of a woman blocked my daughter and enticed her away. Where are they?" Mr Carne questioned

"No idea." well that wasn't a lie.

"They searched the house." Prudie blurted out to inform the Master of the house.

"By whose permission?" Ross questioned and there were scraping of chairs.

"I need not permission to come after my own and those who would keep me from her!" Mr Carne retorted, I really did not like that man and I had never officially never met him.

"That's why you bring your family, not man enough to do the job yourself?" Ross taunted. If he wan't careful he would end up bruised and bloodied more than I had been a few days ago.

"I brought more than we."

"So what you can take her home and beat her. I think her friend would have something to say to that." Demelza glanced at my and i gave her a soft smile

"Is that your business?"

"If I choose to make it so." Ross retorted.

"Right lads, scat them." Mr Carne ordered followed my more thuds of furniture.

"Sir, there be hoards of them." Jud breathed he must have been out on the fields feigning to do some work or on his way back from drinking, either was plausible.

"Luggage folk don't hold with thieving. We come for justice.." Demelza began to shake in fear.

"An army against one man?" Ross questioned the intruders and my friends family.

"A feared are ye?"

"On the country. You couldn't have come at a better time!" Now I was in fear, a fight to break out. The two of us didn't move.

"Lord save him." we heard Prudie

"Nay boys, I'll handle this myself." Then a fight broke out make the both of us jump but not say a word. They moved around the house. The fight against the cupboard where we hid, it rattled as one of them was thrown into it. Then there was silence.

"Be so good as to close the door on your way out." Ross grumbled. He had won. It went quiet for a good while after the door slammed shut. Then the door above us opened at a hand reached in to pull out a bottle before closing it once more.

"You be alive, sir." Prudie huffed, I didn't hear her protests during the fight, I wondered if she had attempted to ask for help, though I was unsure.

"It would appear so. Any sign of the girls?" Ross questioned

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