Chapter Eighteen - Family Troubles

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A week later I was up and sat downstairs sewing a keep sake for Jonathan and Henry, as the two laid in their baskets beside me. There was a knock on the door and Demelza went to answer it.

"Mistress Poldark from Trenwith." Demelza announced. I looked up and in came Elizabeth, I stood up.

"Please, don't get up. I only came to see how you and the little ones fare, sister." she declared

"Please." I gestured to the seat where my friend had once been "Some refreshment?"

"I beg you, do not trouble yourself." I nodded and we both sat down. "It's very pretty." she was looking down at there bracelet I was stitching.

"Oh, it is a fancy I had to make them a keepsake. It may not be gold, silver or copper but.." I trailed off

"It's made of something more precious. A mothers love for her children surpasses any other love, does it not?" she commented and I smiled at the thought.

"I'm not sure Ross would be to keen to hear that but you are correct." I carried on stitching


Our family and friends had all gathered for the baptism of Jonathan Francis Poldark and Henry Vennor Poldark at the church. Today was a happy day and one I thought would never come, there was a bout of sadness that my parents weren't here to see, what had become of their union in me and in their grandchildren. Henry had been done first and now it was Jonathan's turn.

"Jonathan Francis Poldark, I baptise the in the name of the father, the son, and of the holy ghost, amen." the reverend spoke

"Amen." We all repeated. Th bracelet I made him sat proudly on his wrist as he was handed back to me. I kissed his head softly. When there service  was over we returned to Nampara for the celebration. I watched from the shadows at the guests with Demelza and Verity. The party all was welcome including some house I was less than happy about.

"This is all Ross' doing. I said small gathering, people we know and care about. Not everyone and his mother." I grumbled

"And where do I fit in?" Verity questions

"With love, Verity and everywhere like Ross." I placed a loving hand on her shoulder "Most don't even like me they only came for either food or Ross."

"I'm surprised Captain Poldark allows such riffraff in his house." we heard Ruth Trenegloss comment "But perhaps he's been obliged to lower his standards of late."

"Why that..." The two pulled me back from going after her

"Tearing her apart will not solve anything, Abigail." Verity stated as I scowled

"No but it would make me feel a lot better. I am going to speak with Elizabeth" I made my way over to my sister and began conversation.


I sat in the kitchen in better quiet than in the rest of the house, nursing Henry. Verity came to join me.

"Has Ruth  finished dissecting me and being the worst woman to walk the earth?" I questioned my cousin in law.

"Don't mind her dear. She cannot spoil a splendid day." her voice wavered and I softened

"Oh Verity." I breath " I wish you could have such happiness."

"Don't waste your time on such thoughts, not when you have two little onse who is much more worth it." she stroked Henry's head and then left me alone.

"Who be this then, when We've run out of pie?"  Purdue commented. I stood and made my way to the window. I noticed the arrogance in a dress making her way to my home.

"He didn't." I mumble then walk out. Ross had noticed my Step mother as she had just arrived

"Why did you invite her?" I scowl at him.

"She is your step mother." He retorted.

"Who I cannot stand. If the world was to swallow her up right now. I would be over the moon. I refuse to let her anywhere near my sons." I headed back inside and handed Henry to Demelza who took him happily. I went back to Ross who was talking to the witch and Elizabeth.

"So when do you return home?" I questioned

"Abigail." Ross scolded

"It is fine, Abigail was always an..." I cut her off before she could insult me.

"A what? Insolent child, I was only ever that with you. I guess you just bring out the worst in people, thank the lord Elizabeth takes mainly after, Papa." she scowled at me while I smiled

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