Where Angels Fear To Tread

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Where Angels Fear To Tread

As Carter and Nicholas started to roll open the gate, the sudden clatter of a metal trash can falling over made Rick and the others whirl around, weapons instantly raised, Daryl letting a bolt fly, killing the source of the sound, a starved looking possum."We brought dinner," Daryl drawled, holding the possum aloft by the tail, making Nicholas blanch.

"And who the hell are you?" Carter demanded, glancing at Aaron and Alexis for explanation.

"Yer dream man," Daryl flung back, making Glenn grin despite himself.

"What's going on here?" Deanna demanded, striding over, Reg and her sons trailing at her heels, a sight Alexis was sick of seeing. Wherever Deanna led, they would follow, obeying her every whim. She had them trained like show-dogs, her husband and sons jumping through every hoop she held up for them. But as she drew level with the gate, Deanna stopped dead in her tracks, the sight of so many strangers rendering her speechless.

"You run this place?" Rick said abruptly, stepping forwards, sizing Deanna up with one swift glance, not missing her self-confident stride, the almost arrogant way she held herself, his gaze meeting hers head on.

"Yes, I do," Deanna said, regaining her composure, "and you are?"

"Rick Grimes," Rick said coolly, tightening his grip on Judith, shifting her higher on his hip.

"I'm Deanna Monroe," Deanna replied, holding out her hand, but Rick didn't take it, making Deanna raise an overly plucked eyebrow.

"You want us to audition for your community, then?" Rick said carelessly, glancing past the gate, catching a glimpse of porches and people, a dog running past, before disappearing out of sight.

"No beating about the bush," Deanna said, her eyes beginning to glint, recognizing she had a challenge in Rick, "I like that."

"I don't brook no bullshit."

"Neither do I."

For a long moment, silence reigned, Rick and Deanna studying one another, opponent versus adversary, Deanna's gaze then focusing on Judith for a moment, before sweeping over the rest of Rick's group, finally coming to a rest on Alexis, instinctively sensing she was responsible for this, bringing the damned to Deanna's doorstep. Rick was trouble, Deanna was in no doubt over that, she could see it in his stance, the way he watched the world from behind hooded eyes, carrying war in his wake. But maybe he was the kind of trouble she needed, and so she reluctantly stepped aside, sweeping her arm wide, gesturing them to come in. "Welcome to Alexandria," she said simply.


"Mom is going to create," Aiden sing-songed, admiring his hair in the mirror hanging over the mantelpiece, twisting his head from side to side to appraise it from every angle.

"Shut up," Spencer snapped, glancing at Alexis who was sitting stiffly on Deanna's favourite couch, her hands folded primly in her lap, face a blank mask. Deanna had dismissed Aaron, instructing him to go and check in with Eric, Aaron gone before she'd even finished her sentence. It was Alexis who was going to face the firing squad, nobody else. Deanna had ordered Alexis to wait in her study, whilst she showed Rick and the others into the living room, Reg sorting out refreshments for the newcomers, the mere mention of coffee making their eyes light up like it was the elixir of life itself.

"Well, she is," Aiden said, unperturbed. "You screwed up, Alex," he fired at Alexis, making her glance down at her hands, her cheeks beginning to burn. Aiden studied her for a moment, thinking not for the first time she was the hottest thing he'd ever seen within Alexandria's walls, before turning and leaving the room, deliberately slamming the door behind him as he did, making Alexis flinch.

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESWhere stories live. Discover now