Is There Somewhere

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Is There Somewhere

"Were you holding hands with Alexis?" Carol said from behind Rick, making him whirl around. "And yes, I was watching from the window," she added as an aside, stepping forwards as she spoke, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Jesus," Rick hissed through his teeth, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, "don't even ask."

"But I am asking."

"Look, I don't even know what that was," Rick snapped, rounding on her, "the woman's cracked in the head, man. Everywhere I go, she's there, in my face, gettin' on my last nerve."

"Really?" Carol said, leaning against the draining board. "I got the impression you were rather enjoying her company – in parts anyways."

"Hold your horses, Carol," Rick said, coming over to her, "I'm not interested in Alexis, okay? I barely know her for chrissake – anythin' like that is out of the question" -

- "Then why are you so upset?" Carol said coldly. "If she doesn't mean anything to you, why are you getting so hot and bothered?"

"What, you jealous?" Rick snapped, a terrible silence falling in the wake of his words, making him wish he could take them back.

Then Carol's lips twitched, and the next thing he knew, she was laughing, the sound ringing round the kitchen. "God, you kill me sometimes," she said, reaching over and pulling out a bottle of bourbon from the rack. "Jealous? You wish, Rick Grimes."

"God, I'm never gonna live this down, am I?" Rick said, exhaling sharply as she poured him a glass.

"Forget about it," Carol said, necking the bourbon straight from the bottle, "let's get lit before Abraham gets his grubby hands on this little beauty." She held the bottle up, admiring it like she was appraising a fine diamond, making Rick grin reluctantly.

"Alexis is a card," he admitted, cradling his glass, "maybe a beautiful card, but a card all the same."

"But you're interested in her, aren't you?" Carol said, returning to her original attack. "Whether you want to be or not" -

- "I am not interested in Alexis," Rick reiterated through gritted teeth, "and I don't give a damn about her either."

"But you're starting to."

"No, I'm not."

"Then why are you so interested in how she got that black eye?" Carol said, setting the bottle down on the kitchen counter. "Why are you going to her sister's house for lunch tomorrow, and don't use Carl as your excuse, and yes, I was shamelessly eavesdropping as well as spying on you."

Rick just shook his head, before half turning away from her, torn between amusement and annoyance.

"Look, your personal life is none of my business," Carol said tiredly, making him glance up at her, "but we need to take stock of where we are, and who these people are. Alexis is one of them, Rick, and I feel she's getting too close, too fast, particularly to you. She's barely away from your side" -

-"Because she brought us in here," Rick said impatiently, "she feels like she's obligated to keep an eye on us, some sort of duty of care, I don't know. She thinks we're her responsibility or somethin'. I'm tellin' you, Carol, the girl's got a screw loose."

"So do you," Carol said scathingly, "we all do actually."

"Alexis isn't 'one of them'," Rick said, brandishing his glass at her, "she doesn't belong here. But that isn't my problem" -

- "She's making it your problem" -

- "This place isn't Paradise," Rick snapped, "somebody gave her that black eye, and she's coverin' for them. Her sister's sportin' a bust lip as well. My money's on either the sister's husband or this Earle everybody keeps talkin' about" -

- "Earle?" Carol said, confused.

"Yeah, I know," Rick said, "I don't know who he is either. But if there are threats within these walls, I'm gonna find them out, Alexis or not."

"We're going to have to do more than that," Carol said quietly.

"I know."

There was a long silence, Rick downing his bourbon in one mouthful, Carol almost automatically pouring him some more. "I thought Deanna was coming over today to talk about giving us jobs," she then said, leaning back against the kitchen counter, brow furrowing.

"Deanna Don't Preach," Rick said with a bitter laugh, nursing his drink.

"I know," Carol said darkly, echoing his earlier words.

"Look, about Alexis, I get what you're sayin', how it looks," Rick said suddenly, startling her, "but you're wrong, okay?"

"She's broken, Rick, and so are you," Carol said, fixing her grey gaze on him, "and that's a dangerous combination, indifferent acquaintances or otherwise. Just... just be careful, alright?"

Rick nodded, not realizing the damage was already done.

I'm searching for something that I can't reach...

AS THE WORLD FALLS DOWN I RICK GRIMESDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora