The two boys glided to the doorway, the ravenhead exiting first. Before he left, the albino boy spun to the Ratri-Clan head, the very same humorous smile ever-present on his face."I do look forward to hearing your favourable response... for your sake- and the sake of your family, should your reputation affect them deeply." Although at this time, the smile didn't reach the boy's ice blue eyes as he shut the door behind him.

Long after the two boys had left, Mike Ratri sat behind his desk. The man chewed his thumbnail anxiously, an angry grimace on his face. He shuffled more papers around on his desk's surface, trying to read through them, but he found himself too distracted to retain a single word.

"Stupid brats." He muttered, pausing his pointless paper-scanning at last and pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to relieve his stress.

"Agents, leave the room." The Ratri sighed suddenly, placing his hands on his desk and standing up from his chair. The bodyguards standing on either side of his doorway perked up, staring at the man for a moment before exiting.

"I need to make a phone call."

He dialed the number on the paper and placed his phone to his ear, pausing his thumbnail-chewing once the ringtone clicked. "Hello?" The young voice from earlier spoke quickly.

"It's me." Mike Ratri nearly growled, his voice instead coming out in a twist of rage and attempted-coolness.

"Oh, the Ratri!" The voice on the other end spoke cheerfully, and it occurred to Mike that the boy probably had a much more pleasant-looking face when he wasn't trying to threaten you. "Have you decided on your response?" The voice continued, cutting right to the chase.

"I've decided your threats are of no concern to me." Mike Ratri spoke darkly, pacing around his office. "The media is unlikely to believe the words of a few brats alone, anyway. That is all I'm calling to say. Goodbye"

"I see." Although the voice was dark and cold as ice, Mike suspected there was still a smile present on the face of the beholder. "That sounds quite alright, sir. Then, I'm sure we'll talk some other time, Mike Ratri. Bye now."

Norman hung up the phone and set it on the cluttered desk, turning to Ray who stood a few feet away, sipping a cup of coffee- which was probably at least the ravenette's 4th since this morning.

"What did he say?" Ray asked, setting down his mug.

"Just as expected." Norman smiled. "He wasn't willing to compromise."

The black-haired boy tilted his head with a shrug, leaning back against the counter. "Plan B it is, then."


Mike Ratri's peaceful sleep was disturbed suddenly by the fire alarm, screaming bloody murder.

He sprang up from his bed, face white as a sheet. He'd turned to the window when his door was flung open by his bodyguards. "Sir!" One of them exclaimed. "The east annex is burning!"

The mayonnaise man's face paled even further. "The East annex?" He paused, his stomach churning in dread; he had a suspicion of what exactly what was going on.

And he didn't like it.

"What are you blithering idiots doing here, then?!" He yelled. "Contact the fire department! Put it out right away!" He spat angrily, his bodyguards stumbling out of his doorway and down the hall.

The white-haired man watched them stumble, chewing the inside of his lip before turning to his window, seeing orange flames lick the air and sparks rise, the fire alarm still wailing in his ears.

How the hell did those brats find out about the location of the gate so quickly?


"The East annex?" Norman asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why d'you expect it's there?"

Reborn into The Promised Neverland//RayxReader//Where stories live. Discover now