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back to that phase where I close my eyes and then pick the first word I see and then name the chapter after that because I'm lazy.

also, in general I tried to avoid getting too into detail about stuff but I'm going to put a BIT of a gore warning bc I frequently forget to do that.

Lastly, before reading I want u to go get yourself a glass of water if you haven't had any yet today, unless it's currently like 3:00 am, in which case, GO TO BED YOU FOOL.


While I watched, frozen in place, Aurelia raised her bow and fired off another shot. I turned away from the arrow as it hurtled towards my chest. I felt a searing pain shoot up my right arm and stumbled back a pace. I looked up once I regained my footing, preparing to fight. But all I caught sight of was a flicker of Aurelia as she turned a corner and ran.

"I wasn't expecting that." I chuckled while I leaned against a nearby wall. "Here's to hoping she doesn't come back to finish me off." I spoke drily, sliding down until I was sitting.

I rummaged through my belt pack while jostling my arm as little as possible. Suddenly, I stopped and stared down at my arm.

"I... have an arrow sticking out of me." I blinked. "Shit."

I giggled suddenly, reaching into my belt. "Hey, Y/N, what did you do today?" I spoke to myself, (perhaps the adrenaline making me a little giddy).

"Oh, not much, just, you know, became an honorary porcupine– WOW okay, I just said that."

I started applying numbing herbs to my arm until I felt a little less pain from the area. Then I carefully checked to see if the arrow had hit bone. Luckily enough, it had avoided the area. You know, silver lining.

"If only I were in a Hollywood movie," I muttered, "I could yank this right out and be over and done with it. Unfortunately, I'm in a stupid fanfic with a stupid author who likes to try and be realistic sometimes. Thank you SO much for that."

(you're welcome <3)

I rummaged through my belt further until I extracted the stuff I'd need. "Thank god for Mujika," I sighed. She always tried her best to sneak an absurd amount of medical supplies into my belt whenever I wasn't using it. She must've gotten into it some time yesterday before I snuck out.

I mixed together honey, wax, and a type of oil together with a pain-numbing herb. Once I had everything I needed, I grabbed a precision knife out. I gritted my teeth as I raised it to my arm.

"Y/N!" I looked up at the sound of Cozbi's voice. "There you areEIN THE NAME OF THE ONE, YOU HAVE AN ARROW IN YOUR ARM!!"

"Shit, really?" I joked, pulling the knife away.

"Are you going to pull it out???" Cozbi asked frantically.

I frowned. "I'd like to, because of infection, but I'm worried I'll tear more muscle ligaments when I pull it out. And I don't know much about the shape of the arrowhead."

Cozbi looked at me, to the arrow in the arm, and then back to me again. "...huh?"

"Make yourself useful and go grab the arrow out of that corpse over there?" I pointed to the bandit from earlier. "So I can see if it's got barbed ends and what the tip is made of. If it's attached with animal tendons, I'm screwed."

"A-llllrighty." Cozbi pushed herself to her feet and walked over to the corpse.

I busied myself by putting together a bandage until Cozbi started making back. I looked up as she walked towards me and caught sight of a grave expression on her face.

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