chapter nine

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The next morning..

Jamal and I have been trying to open this boxes since last night. At this point he had his shirt off and just jeans on because he was sweating. I had shorts and a bra on because I was sweating so bad too.

A little bit after Monse had came.

"We haven't found anything, Monse! We've been here all night." I said as Jamal started freaking out and telling her everything that has been happening. We started looking at a paper and we heard Ruby. We looked up and then second glanced. He had one side of makeup and the other without.

Later on..

We went to the park to look for clues. Monse and I went off and we started hearing whistling. We walked away quickly. We ended up finding a clue on the bench and went to the library to search in books. Monse finally found what we were looking for. We kept looking for stuff all night.

Later that night when I went home..

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