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I just insulted him and why is he smiling at me

Is he gone crazy or can't he understand me?

You thought.

'Where am I gonna live ?'

'This is our bedroom.'

He opened the door of a bedroom. It was small and it had a small bed and a wooden cupboard. There was no attached bathroom, there was no tv in the bedroom.

 There was no attached bathroom, there was no tv in the bedroom

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'No way I'm gonna stay here. It's so small and cozy. How can even people live here in this tiny room.'

You exclaimed in disgust.

'This is the only room which has bed y/n. The other room has no bed.'

'What? Are you serious? Oh my god! I don't understand what did my dad see in you to marry me off with you.'

You said and jimins face fell low with your words but you cared less.

You looked other bedroom and it had no bed. And it was more tiny.

'Okay fine I m gonna take this room but I don't want to share it with you.'

You said and jimin looked at you.

'I will take that room then. You can stay here.'

He said taking his belongings. You entered the room and looked around. the room was not even half of your bedroom. There was a big window and you opened it. Fresh air came from outside and you liked the smell of the fresh air. You inhaled it and closed your eyes.

'Y/n I m gonna cook dinner. Is there anything specific you wanna eat?'

Jimin asked knocking on the door.

'No I m not hungry. I will just sleep.'

You shouted from inside not even bothering to open the door.

You changed into pyjamas and laid on the bed.

'Oh god how am I gonna survive here. Please help me. I just hope these two years will be finished quickly.'


You guys may wonder why I had married y/n right?

It's because of her dad.


I have met my dads best friend. He recognised me because I had a very similar face to my dad. People say I look exactly like my dad.

I have met him few times and he is really a good man. It was nice meeting him everytime. Even though he is very busy he still takes time and meets me.

But one day he asked me for a favour and it is to marry his daughter. I was shocked by his offer. I mean he is very rich person and I am very poor. No parents will accept a poor son in law. Then why me?

He said that his daughter has grown up into a bad girl and they are worried about her future. They tried to change her but they failed. He thinks I m the perfect man for his daughter. He thinks that I will change her behaviour.

'If she is with you I will be carefree. She will get to learn the value of money, love and relationships which play a very important roles in our lives. I can blindly trust you with her jimin ah . If she is married to you then I can die peacefully. '

He said. He thinks I can change her. At first he offered me money to help me but I rejected his offer. Then he offered me to marry his daughter. I didn't agree to it. He took me to his house and I met his wife. She cried infront of me telling me how her daughter doesn't value relationships and money, how her daughter doesn't respect her own family and how spoiled she is .

She cried saying that she is very afraid of her daughters future. They think I m a good person and can change her daughter.they think she can live happily with me. I thought it for a while and said yes. My grandpa always wanted to see me getting married and wanted to play with my kids. But unfortunately he is no more.

Before he died he said

'Jimin ah I hope you find a right girl, get married to her, start a new family and live happily. Please don't spend your future alone and find someone for you.'

These were his last words. He wanted me to get married and start a family of mine. So I thought why not get married now as he wished. And so, I agreed to this marriage.

I have met y/n before marriage and I understood her behaviour at the very first meeting. She looked at me disgustingly. She despised me just because I'm poor.

But I didn't care .As her parents said she is really a spoiled brat. I married her and we got home today. She throwed me few insults. Of course I got hurt. But can I blame her? No. The rich people are like that and I can understand it.

She lived a princess life and when she is asked to live a peasant life then obviously she won't like it. She will hate it. Her reaction is natural.

I hope you will change into a good person y/n. I will change you as your parents wished.

Married to the poor guy Where stories live. Discover now