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The day of your second anniversary:

You woke up with a huge headache as you spent the whole night thinking about the decision you wanted to take.

You bathed and got freshed up. You got a text from your dad.

'I m sending the divorce papers. Sign them if you think you have won this deal. Or else just leave them empty.'

Your heart started beating fast. You went out and saw jimin. He handed you documents. They were divorce papers.

'I have signed them y/n. It's your turn.'

He said handing you them but you didn't fail to notice his sad broken face. His eyes were swollen and red. But still he kept a smile on his face. Your heart broke into million pieces when he said he signed them already..

You took the pen from his hands. Your hands were shaking. You were feeling very anxious and nervous. Sweat formed on your forehead.

Do you really want to leave him and go back to your old life?

You took a deep breath and sighed. You held the pen tightly in your hands and looked at him.

He gave a small nod telling you to go ahead.

You gave him a weak smile and signed the divorce papers finally.

'You are free now y/n. Free to live the way you always dreamt. Congratulations. I m proud of your decision.'

He said trying to smile but you noticed his broken face. You went and hugged him tight. He was stunned for few seconds but hugged you back tighter knowing that this maybe the last time he is gonna embrace you in his arms.

You cried on his shoulder while he did too. You pulled away but he didn't wanted to let you go yet. You both stayed like that for few minutes.

'I m gonna miss you so much jimin. I m so sorry for my rude behaviour towards you. And also thank you so much for all the things you did for me.'

You sobbed. He chuckled sadly and wiped your tears.

'Hey why are you crying? It's not like we won't meet each other again right. We are still best friends remember. Won't you come to meet your friends anytime?'

He questioned and you nodded your head.

'I will never forget you. I will come to meet you whenever it's possible.'

'Don't cry now. The driver is waiting. I have loaded your luggage. Go now.'

He said and you pecked his cheek. His heart broke to see you leave but he wanted the best for you. You bid goodbye to your Unnie and neighbours too. You took Maggie in your arms and booped it's nose.

'I m gonna miss you too. Take care.'

You waved for everyone one last time and sat in the car. The driver started the engine but you stopped him.

'Jimin take this. I totally forgot about this.'

You said handing him a smart phone.

'What is this for?'

'I asked my appa to send it and he sent. It's for you. It has my number saved. Please call me whenever you want. Don't hesitate.'

'But y/n I don't want this -'

'Please. You did so much for me. Take this please.'

He nodded his head. The car started and you waved them all. After they were out of the sight you cried hard. You didn't wanted to leave him but you also didn't wanted to live like this.

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