Chapter 9

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I was way too lazy to wake up. A part of me was scared about what was going to happen at the family meeting. I was certain that everyone hated me and didn't want to hear anything about me. They all wanted to punish me but punishment was better than going to jail. Princess, my sister hated me but the feeling was mutual. Who was wrong? We all felt like victims.
Princess neglected me and broke her promises. She lied to me and was also mean to me. She never gave me a chance to express myself, she became selfish and wanted to be the golden daughter. I almost killed myself because of her, I was depressed for a while but she didn't give a damn. She was too busy .
I kidnapped her, I made her hate life. I stole her time with her husband and baby. I wore her clothes, I pretended to be her to get in her bed. I took his husband’s life indirectly and lied to her kid. I slept with her husband and I am pregnant. I should have supported her but I didn't. I made my sister's life miserable. Who was guilty? Who started that? Was I wrong?
It didn't matter what she had done, my mom said that two wrongs do not make a right. She also said that it takes more courage to ask for forgiveness than to forgive so Princess was going to forgive me. Gogo came to my room to give me food, after everything! She truly loved me. She told me to be humble and that she was going to do all the talking.
I had no problem, I had nothing to say anywhere. I went to take a shower and prepared for the meeting. I wanted to call Shakes so badly but I had to wait until the meeting was over, I couldn't afford to look bad. It was time and we were called, they listened to both sides of the story but nobody was convinced with mine. Nobody knows the damage done to someone emotionally until It happens to them, they wanted to see the scars.
They all thought that I was a spoilt brat, I could see the look in their eyes. “ Princess, please open your heart and forgive your sister. We know that she never meant for any of this to happen. We can find another punishment for her but she can't go to jail. She is carrying king's child, please have mercy!” uncle said.
“Do you know how many times I begged Sofia, told her to have mercy on me but she didn't want to hear anything. It's now my time to return the favour. You can't come all the way from your homes to discuss something that has got nothing to do with you. Where were you when I was begging for my life? Where were you?” she asked.
“No! That's not a way to speak to your elders. We understand that you are hurt but watch your words little girl,” gogo shouted. “I understand and I am so sorry, I really am. I wish I could do something to show you how sorry I am. Forgive me, sister,” I cried. “Forgive you, did you forgive me?” she asked.  “I could've  have killed you but I didn't, I was upset and not thinking straight. I am so sorry.”
“There is something  you have to know, we tried to keep it from you as your elders but we have to tell you now. You remember the first time you came here? The time you were seeking the truth about your fathers? The truth is you don't share a father..” “We already know that,” I said. “And one of you is half princess,” Uncle Jones added.
My heart was beating fast, I knew that I wasn't the royal one. The way they treated me? Everything was starting to make sense, I was not one of them. “Your uncle is right, your mother was a very wise woman who lived in her own world, she always wanted to go to the big city to fulfil her dreams. We warned her but she was as stubborn as you. She defied us and went to study IT but things didn't go so well. She was raped by her boyfriend, I am so sorry Sofia,” gogo cried.
I wasn't only the half- princess, I was also the product of rape. Princess was the product of love. What had I done that was so wrong? “ What happened to my father,” I asked. The room went cold, they  were all looking at each other. I had no energy left, I was tired of crying , feeling sorry for myself and hurting others to console myself.  I was a mess.
“Your father went to jail and he was killed.  I am so sorry Sofia,” gogo said. “Don't you get tired of saying ‘sorry'. Is that the reason? The reason everyone in this family looked down on me? Everyone in this family knew? Princess?” I asked. “I am so sorry Sofia, I wanted to tell you. I did it to protect you,” said Princess.
“To protect me or your precious family? After everything we've been through with mom? You don't know them but you sided with them. I was regretting everything I did but now, I don't. You deserved more,” I shouted. “ I deserved more? You and your father deserve each other and I hope that you  also die in jail.”
“I would rather be in jail than to be here and two faced like you all. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but that was not one of them. Get me arrested Princess, do me a favour and maybe I will find a better family in jail but you will have to tell this kid what I was doing in jail. You will have to tell this kid how you lied to me, your only sister. How you sold me dreams that were never there. How you were so quick to change on me. I would have done anything for you, I would've taken a bullet for you but you decided to pull the trigger. How does it feel being the golden daughter? You broke every piece I was left with, be ready to explain to this child. Now get me arrested Princess, disappoint me once more because you are clearly used to it,” I said.
I left the room, I should've left the place. I wasn't welcome, they treated me like I was invisible and I was finally leaving them. I am certain that they wanted to throw a party. I was all alone in my room, my eyes were filled with tears, for the first time in my life, I cried myself to sleep. I had no reason to continue, it felt like I was waiting for death to knock on my door. Never trust a person, your worst enemy is closer than you think.
I can't love today because of my so called ‘sister’ . My mother also didn't make things easier , whenever her name popped up, I felt like throwing up.
I woke up after feeling sorry for myself, I was calm and ready for anything. I went to Mulweli's room to let him know that I wasn't going to be there for the next coming years. I hated his mom but I loved him, he was a gift from God and she didn't deserve him. She had no love to give, her love went to the grave with her late husband.
“Hey…boy boy, how are you?” I asked. “ I am good and yourself?” “ I am good, I have something to tell you, promise to not cry,” I said. “I promise mom,” he said. That warmed my heart, he still called me mom after everything that had happened. He knew that his mom was back but he didn't forget me, the love I gave him. He was probably young and didn't understand but he was way better than his mom.
“Your aunt has made the biggest mistake of her life, she got naughty and did things she shouldn't have done. What happens when you get naughty?” I asked. “I get punished,” he said. “Your aunt must also be punished, I will not be here next year and the year after next year, I don't know until when but it's part of the punishment. I will never forget you or stop loving you,” I cried.
“Can't I do anything to prevent that from happening?” he asked. “No! Boy, don't worry about it but you can promise me that you will stay away from girls and focus on your schoolwork,” I said. “Girls?” he laughed. It was a good feeling, at least I made someone laugh. I felt relieved that he understood but he was not on top of the list. My unborn baby? I had no words for her…I just hoped that I wasn't going to jail. Gogo promised to speak Princess.

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