Warnings and Notes

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Hello, if you're reading this, I want to warn you that this book contains blood/violence, deep talk, and romance, along with one curse word, haha. I also want to say that TPEC stands for The Potion Evacuation Center, however you may call it TPE or TPEC for short. The characters featured in this are slightly different than the real world, since they are based on my family, along with a few made up characters. For example, my little brother Roman has autism in real life, but in this book, he does not.

Future books:

Childs Play | book 2 of Glowing Embers

The Aftermath | book 3 of Glowing Embers

(Possibility) Lovely Orphans

Thank you for reading, you may start reading the book now!

|TPEC|Glowing Embers Book 1|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ