Chapter 11: A use is taken

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"Are we there yet? It's been nearly 2 hours!" Roman complained. Rose didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the time. Not since she heard the news.

"Yes, we are." Jake replied. The car came to a stop a few minutes later. Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts, and Rose walked to the back seats to get Jade out of the car. They cautiously snuck to the main entrance. Jake pulled out a keycard and unlocked the thick gates blocking any infected from entering. They walked inside, Jake started in a different direction, and slid his keycard through another lock, this opened a large garage entrance, and he walked to his car, driving it inside, and shutting both of the doors. They continued to walk normally into the tall building. It was 4 stories tall, the bricks were a pale maroon color, and there was a sign above one of the many entrances, saying, "Tragic Potion Evacuation Center" which was long for TPE, or TPEC, this sign was lined with rectangular lights, and the path that everyone walked on was a simple rocky cobblestone path. Jake pushed the door open, locking it behind him after everyone gathered inside.

"Here's a map. I don't have much time to give any tours, so go explore. Lights out at 9. I'm going to speak to Mr. Jenkin." Jake spoke softly, and then jogged down the hallway, till he was completely out of view.

"Who's Mr. Jenkin?" Lizzy asked.

"He's the owner of this place. He'll be giving you your numbers, beds, and roles." Rose replied. Lizzy nodded. Rose carried Jade into another room close by. Alicia let go of Roman and Lizzy's hands. Suddenly, there was a voice on the intercom. Rose peaked her head out of the room she entered.

"Hello, this is Mrs. Green. You may not have much of an idea of what this place is, so I'm going to briefly explain. There has been an outbreak of a deadly infection. It has spread around the USA, and around the whole world, although it's worse here, and there have been some major lockdowns. This virus was disguised in a harmless-looking pink potion, it infects the brain of it's victim, unexplainably turning people into killers, with abilities like no other. This building is known as TPE, where we rescue any survivors we can find, who have not been wrongfully killed. Scientists are investigating this potion, and are trying to find a cure as quickly as possible. So, please stay calm. This tragedy, which has lasted for no more than a few simple hours, has caused more deaths than our current virus, COVID-19, each day. May god be with you, and we pray that this will end soon. Stay safe, valuable citizens, and hope for the best, as we are all we have." the intercom abruptly shut off, almost as though there was interference, like she wasn't done. Alicia dragged her little siblings around the building, searching for some employees. She stumbled into a guy named Sammy, but went by Sam for short.

"Oh hello, sorry I stood in the way." the boy said. He looked about 17-18 years old, but was apparently 22, and had thin, short, hair, with a tiny ponytail sticking out, held together by a bright green rubber band. His skin was a peachy, rosey tan color, and he wore a military uniform, and held his hat in his hand.

"Hello, I have some questions.. I'm not sure where I should go, could you guide me?" Alicia asked the boy. He nodded slowly, turned to the children, and quickly smiled. The boy made a hand signal for Alicia to follow him. Alicia moved hair out of her eye. The boy turned back to make sure she was still behind him, but merely stared at her face, and then glanced at her back.

"You're one too?"

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