Chapter 16: Last occurence

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Rinaldo felt sick as a dog. He raced down the empty roads, but he couldn't help to see these strange people just wandering the sidewalks. At least they were smart enough to stay off the road. After about 15 minutes of aimless staring and driving, Rinaldo arrived at his job, Carusos. It was a fancy restaurant, with a pretty tiny menu, although it paid well.

"Guys? You called me to come check stuff out. I brought some tools to see if we can turn on the generators." Rinaldo shouted out. It echoed for a minute, but there was a sudden pattern of scurrying footsteps.

"Hey R, you should probably get to your family, we've been seeing weird people just wandering around. It's starting to get creepy." one of Rinaldo's co-workers called out.

"But I just got here! I didn't just come 15 minutes for nothing now. Tell me what you need help with. I'm sure at least some of you guys are feeling sick." Rinaldo replied. Suddenly Rinaldo collapsed on the floor. Some of his co-workers came up to him, tapping his shoulder, and motioning for each other to back up. It had been almost 10 minutes before he got up, very quickly. Although something was off. His eyes looked deformed, one was red, one was green, and his skin was white, like snow. He took a sharp glance at one of his co-workers and jumped on top of him. The others started screaming, and trying to shove him off of the man. Rinaldo snatched up a nearby pizza cutter, and sliced the man's throat. Blood gushed out of the wound, and the man's eyes went behind his head. He stopped struggling and his pulse slowly came to a halt. The man was dead. He was killed by a man he thought he could trust. The others backed up slowly. Rinaldo snapped his head at them, and one by one, they either scurried out of the building or were ruthlessly slaughtered. The ones who managed to escape- which was only about 4- quickly escaped the area, and found a small, muddy ditch to hide in. There was a deep, steady voice above them.

"What would you like from Carusos?"

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