Chapter 33: A bloody reunion

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Hazel and Alice eyed each other.

"Hazel, you- you're alive?!"

Hazel didn't speak, nor move. She was still infected, still under control, and the ghosts flew in circles around her. Roman and Lizzy ran up a hill, spotting Alice. They ran to her, and handed the baby to her, not seeing Hazel. Rose also spotted them, and took Jade from Alice. Everyone was together again. Rose looked at Hazel. Her eyes widened, however she didn't look excited, as she knew Hazel was infected. Rose, Jade, and the kids backed up, seeing Alice and Hazel eye each other. They looked at each other for 5 whole minutes. Rose was patient, so were the kids. That was one skill they gained overtime. Suddenly, Hazel charged for Alice, who was caught off-guard. She jumped onto her with her scissors almost touching Alice's eyes. Rose gasped and tried to run forward to help, but Alice yelled for her not to. She pushed Hazel forward and kicked her in the chest, Hazel launched forward and cut Alice's arm, Alice gritted her teeth and backed up. She pulled her gun out and held it shakely at Hazel.

She's my stepsister.

But she's not the same.

The cure was burnt.

She's never going to change.

I have to grow up.

I have to be strong.


Everyone turned. Mr. Jenkin, Jake, and Sammy stood at the edge of the hill. Sammy shot a tranquilizer and Hazel and she collapsed.

"You guys are alive!"

Alice cried. She ran to Sammy and hugged him. Rose looked at Jake. His eyes were still black, his skin was still white as snow, and he still had his infected accessories, but his pupils were blue, and he looked like he was normal. He ran towards Rose and hugged her. She had a blank expression for a moment, and then hugged him tightly back.

"How are you not infected- kind of-"

Rose asked suddenly. Jake smiled.

"Let's just say that Mr. Jenkin should explain."

Rose looked at Mr. Jenkin, so did Alice.

"The cure never burned. Just before the place burnt to a crisp, I grabbed the cure and mixed the last ingredient inside. I got Jake out of the basement, and while we were running here, we found Sammy. Yeah, I know, lame explanation."

Jake chuckled. Sammy and Alicia ended their hug, and Sammy picked Hazel up.

"Does this mean that we can finally end this infection?"

Alice asked.

"Yup. It sure does. And before you ask how we're gonna get this cure to everyone, don't. We already have our ways. Although, we should give this girl the cure."

Jake took a dose of the cure and dropped it into Hazel's mouth. Her right wing, which was red, instantly turned blue. She was still unconscious, but she was cured. And for the ghosts, they were frozen in time, but they also turned blue. Apparently, blue was the color of glory.

"I also have another surprise for you all."

Mr. Jenkin said. Everyone turned to him.

"Come out guys."

Rinaldo, Nick, and Amanda walked up the hill. They looked similar to Hazel and Jake. Everyone ran up to each other and had a huge group hug.

"Thank you."

Alice said randomly. Mr. Jenkin smiled.

"You know, the one who made this all possible was Lizzy."

Lizzy looked confused. Mr Jenkin pulled a petal from the mysterious flower out of his pocket and showed her. She smiled back at him.


"Have it. It'll be your trophy in honor."

Lizzy took the petal and put it in her pocket.

"Let's all go home, we all need showers."

Rinaldo said. Everyone laughed.

Everyone's back. It's all over.


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