Chapter 32: The final announcement

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"Hello staff, soldiers, chefs, scientists, all of you. We've been waiting for months to bring you this information. This infection is ending. We've found the ingredients to the cure and it is being finished as we speak. Before we give directions as to what all of you will need to do to help, we want to thank you for everything you've done. This has been very tough, and we've lost many, but we're finally going to end this. Once and for all. The work you people have put into making this all end is incredible, and we can't thank you all enough. This may be the last announcement I ever make here. At least, one of the last, so I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. Have an amazing last day here everyone. Shutting off."

The announcements shut off. There was mild silence for a bit, but it didn't last long. There was laughing, cheering, talking, and so much more. Everyone felt relieved. This whole nightmare is finally over. Or is it..


People near the lab screamed and ran away. The scientists had an error with making the cure on the beaker, and now the building was burning to the ground. Alice stopped her cheering when she heard the screaming, and picked Lizzy up, while grabbing Roman's hand. The fire spread fast. The 3 quickly made a break for the door, and just barely escaped the building before it was on fire.


Alice screamed, but it was too late, the building was scorching. Rose suddenly saw the 3, and ran towards them, she had just escaped, holding Jade, who was crying loudly.

"We've gotta run, the infected are gonna get attracted here soon, cmon!"

The 4 ran into the forest, reaching a crowd of infected. Lizzy fell out of Alice's hands, but so much was happening that she didn't even notice. Lizzy looked around, and spotted Roman. They hid behind a bush, trying not to cry. Once most of the infected cleared, Lizzy peaked her head out. She saw an infected person walking toward Jade, who was wrapped so tight in a blanket that she couldn't move. She was crying and screaming. Roman and Lizzy bolted out from behind the bush. Roman pulled out his bow and shot the infected dead, and Lizzy picked up Jade. The kids ran back behind the bush, Jade fell asleep in Lizzy's arms. Roman took her.

"What now..?"

Lizzy asked. So much happened so fast, she was panting. Their sister was gone.

"I dunno.. We should try to find Alicia."

Lizzy nodded, and the kids started through the forest.

Alice was still running, and had finally lost the infected people, and Rose. She turned forward and saw something she thought she'd never see again.


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